Safes in Dorm Rooms?

<p>Has anyone ever purchased a safe to go in their dorm? Is this something that people regularly buy or bring to college with them? I'm just thinking about things like the new college laptop I'll have, and my nice camera. I wouldn't want to just leave them lying around the room when I was gone without them, and I feel like a safe would be a good way to keep my 'nice' stuff out of harm's way. </p>

<p>Are safes even allowed in dorm rooms? Or is there another option, like dressers that have one drawer with a lock and key? Any input on this topic is appreciated!</p>

<p>*EDIT: I will need my camera for some school courses and can’t leave it at home. </p>

<p>Would bringing a safety box or a locking filing cabinet be uncommon/weird, though? I don’t want my roommate to think I’m paranoid, but I’d much rather be safe than sorry.</p>

<p>When my son went to college he purchased a safe that would fit in a drawer but what we did was drill two small holes in the back of it and put a cable lock through the holes. He then put the cable around a part of the bunk bed frame and springs and locked it. The cable allowed him to pull it out from under the bed easily.</p>

<p>If you want to put all of your stuff in one convenient box for the person to take and open at their leisure then yes, a safe is an excellent idea.</p>

<p>A cable lock is defeated with wire cutters.</p>

<p>Actually you should bring a safe and leave it out, locked and empty and keep your good stuff in shoebox.</p>

<p>We bought one going into freshman year. Biggest waste of money I spent. Well, that and what was spent on the bucket full of multiple types of cleaning supplies. Thank God I held back on the drying rack…:)</p>

<p>We considered a safe-but are also glad we did not get one. Our son has had no issue with theft, keeps his wallet with him most of the time. Based on our last visit to VT, I seriously doubt anyone would be able to sift through all the “stuff” to find anything worth taking from his room.</p>

<p>The most important thing is to keep your door locked when your roommate and you aren’t in the room and when you’re both asleep. I don’t know the percentages or anything but I’d be willing to bet that 90% of all things that get stolen in the dorms are from unlocked doors. Beyond that just keep valuable things in drawers or in a closet; somewhere where someone can’t just palm it.</p>