
<p>What safeties would you recommend?</p>

<p>My stats and the list of colleges I'm applying to can be found here:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>Anyone? </p>

<p>Bump, bump</p>

<p>The trend of your list seems to be medium sized research universities....strong in the sciences...</p>

<p>It's hard to say where the cutoff would be for safeties for you. Your stats are brilliant. </p>

<p>How about Carnegie Mellon? It would be a low match, boredering on a safety. Or, on the note of tech schools, Virginia Tech would be a safety for sure.</p>

<p>I would also recommend Johns Hopkins as a match...</p>

notre dame-match
uc berk-safe

<p>I forgot to ask about major. Are you majoring in engineering? If so, add Illinois to the safety list as well.</p>


<p>you only need one safety school. pick an instate public school. you'll get a full-ride and have something to fall back on.</p>

<p>I'm probably majoring in math and economics.</p>

<p>token89, I don't want to apply to any colleges in my home state (kansas). Even though I'll most likely get a full ride to KU (the best in my state), I'm looking for better schools than that. </p>

<p>Would Michigan-Ann Arbor be a safety for me? 'Cause that's what I have for my safeties right now.</p>


<p>Michigan is waaaaaaaaay too good of a school to be used as a safety.</p>

<p>Any other suggestions?</p>

<p>Loslobos, can you please elaborate on why it isn't a safety?</p>

<p>WashU, Emory, Northwestern.</p>

<p>um now the hell is tufts only a match
this girl has perfect stats: most of the top 30 are easy matches/safeties and she's got a REALLY great shot at HYPS</p>

<p>A match indicates a 50/50 chance. At highly selective schools, that get more and more competitive by the year, it's impossible to predict what will happen. Hence, the term match is pretty accurate for Tufts. She has a good chance, yes, but I certainly wouldn't say that any top school is a 100% guarantee (which is what a safety is).</p>

<p>Kate - Michigan is safe; probably with big merit money too. My D got in there out-of-state and was offered $80K over four years, and her stats weren't as good as yours.</p>


<p>I'm looking for schools that aren't necessarily top 30 overal but good in math/science.</p>