Safety at Temple Campus

Prospective students, parents and guardians- do your due diligence. Temple campus is a war zone.

Temple University Campus Police Department Operating At 60% Staffing Amid Rising Crime, Union President Says

Head of the union representing Temple police, Shaffer told Eyewitness News Temple police can’t “effectively” do their jobs due to its staffing levels.

The department is operating at 60% officer staffing levels and yet, shootings, robberies, and carjackings have persisted, with officers forced to run from one incident to the next. To maintain staffing, Shaffer says overtime rates since July have skyrocketed.

“As a department as a whole, we’re at an all-time low in morale,” Shaffer said. “Our officers are working day in and day out. We’re close to 20,000 hours [of overtime] as police officers working.”

We don’t have the personnel,” Shaffer said. “We’ve been reaching out asking for help. At the end of the day, we need police officers.”