Safety at University of Miami??

<p>Hi! University of Miami is my first choice but I heard that crocodiles appear a lot on and near campus?!?! I know some areas around is sketchy but I would like to know more about the crocodile topic. Thanks :)</p>

<p>Alligator attacks are extremely rare. I wouldn’t worry about them.</p>

<p>@Proudpatriot I know they are rare but how frequent are spottings?</p>

<p>I have never heard of any incident. Miami has canals and lakes so you may in rare occasions see a gator( manatees are much more common). Do not forget that Coral Gables is a busy area and not a favorite place for reptiles besides there are plenty of ducks and other types of prey around so rest assure that all humans are safe.</p>

<p>From previous threads, I gather that the area around the U is pretty safe and the residents there are well-off. Also, the roads appear to be pretty scenic on google maps…haha. Obviously, as in any major city, there are probably some areas that are sketchy.</p>

<p>My DS had to coax a crab back into the lake in the middle of campus once. But that wasn’t scary. No sightings of crocs or gators that I know of…</p>

<p>Oh please. Crocodile attacks on campus are non-existent. Campus security keeps an eye on the lake and removes any unwanted guests immediately. The only crocodiles you’ll see on campus will have already been transformed into purses, belts or shoes.</p>

<p>Nothing to worry about.</p>

<p>Alligators on the other hand…;)</p>

<p>Besides Gators are never welcome at UM! ( little football humor)</p>

<p>You should be more concerned about the Warewolves…Their hair is perfect…;)</p>

<p>Haha I feel so silly asking about the crocodiles but I needed to know since I’m from NJ and that’s the stereotype people here give south florida is croc attacks/finding them in your yard haha</p>

<p>Well, we used to have a resident croc several years ago, until a few FSU students decided to kill it (which, by the way, is illegal since the American Crocodile is a protected species). Since then, however, there have been no gator or croc sightings that I’m aware of. The canals are gated, so anything larger than a small fish can’t get through them, so my guess is that that’s keeping them off campus.</p>

<p>So I’m guessing that the students at UMiami don’t mind crocs? And I thought high schoolers skilled it.</p>

<p>The students at UM don’t have any exposure to crocs, at least no current students. And it may have been a high school student, the story may have been slightly twisted when told to me to try to instill the hatred for Florida State early :-P</p>

<p>Okay thank you! I was so worried about crocs and gators, so that’s a relief. By your comment about FSU I bet you’re a cane haha</p>

<p>Yep, and proud to be one! Couldn’t be any happier with my college decision :)</p>

<p>I’ve been trying to find the pros and cons of UMiami to compare to other schools I’ve been accepted to but haven’t really found any yet because I love the school so much. Even though UMiami is awesome what is one or two things that you would change about it? Also do you know if there’s a high rate of deferrals or acceptance after deferral?</p>