<p>Im Hispanic (Puerto rican and Dominican), average public , A school in florida.
Income- ~~ 100,000 w/mom and step dad (dad moved out of country)
wGPA- 4.29
unGPA- 3.41
core GPA- 3.78
UCgpa- 3.75
Intended major, Biology or animal bio
SAT- took twice 1640 (530R, 630M, 480W)
took once ACT- 31 (29E,36M,28R,31S) 8W, 27E+W
Obviously ill send the ACT
Sat2 math level 2:600 BioM:610
Took 3 APs ( Human geography(2:/) Biology(3) Calculus AB (5) </p>
<p>Senior schedule:
Ap Calculus BC
Ap psychology
Ap physics C Mech and E+C
English 4 Hon
Guitar 1
Spanish 2
Executive Intern Hon</p>
<p>300 hours
Thespians all 4 years
Key club 11th and 12th
National science honor society 12th
Environmental club 12th
Mu Alpha Theta (math honor society) 12th
Greeter at church
volunteered for a police summer camp 10th grade
volunteered for 2 elementary schools 9th & 10th & 11th
Math tutor
Award: Gold GPA award
no job experience
Ill have good recommendations from my Ap calc AB&BC (same teacher) and Ap biology teacher
great essay</p>
<p>Now for those of you still reading this far, the schools I want to apply to (in order of preference)
UC Davis
UC San Diego
University of Miami
UC Irvine
University of Florida
University of Central Florida</p>
<p>Close to 40 people view this thread but no one has an opinion :/</p>
<p>Since you’re from Florida, your chances at those schools will be a bit better.</p>
University of Central Florida
UC Irvine</p>
University of Miami
University of Florida</p>
<p>Reach (just barely though):
UC Davis
UC San Diego</p>
<p>Have you checked out FSU? It’s another school you’d have a really good shot at.</p>
<p>UCD: Low match (attending an UC will likely eat up half your household income)
UCSD: Match
U Miami: Match
UCI: Low match
UF: Match
UCF: Low match</p>
<p>My absolute dream is UCD Omg I love that school if I get accepted ill probably die of excitement before I could attend. That’s my biggest worry is the financial aid … do you guys think I can get financial aid for UC and U Miami(my next choice after UC)
And also should I turn in my SAT Subject test ? or should I just make that my dark secret from colleges</p>
<p>Bump hump dump thump jump lump rump ump</p>
<p>Any more opinions ?? lol</p>
<p>Dude with that act you are totally good for UCD, I have 3 friends going there with 31,32, and 32 ACTs respectfully.</p>
<p>I can only chance you for the UCs because i’m in California. I think UCDavis is a match, more so than Irvine, considering you want to animal biology, and Davis is amazing for that. Irvine is a match/reach, and SD is a reach.</p>
<p>You have the right ACT, rigor of classes, and extracurriculars, but your GPA lacks a bit.
You should be fine for Davis.</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1524200-what-schools-suitable-me.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1524200-what-schools-suitable-me.html</a></p>
<p>Frankly, I think you’ll get into every school with a 31.</p>
<p>Match for all those schools. I live in the Davis region and it’s a great school, also agree that it’s amazing for animal bio!</p>
<p>I also heard that it could raise your chances like alot if you apply to like the summer or spring … If I apply for like summer spring nd fall would I have a better chance for UCD and UCSD (my main schools)</p>
<p>I think they’re all matches and safeties. UCF is safe and the rest are safeties. Thing is since you’re a Florida resident the Florida schools will be easier to get into. I’ve heard that public schools prefer in state residents o.o I could be wrong. You should get into all of them though. Good luck! Chance back?</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1525058-chance-rising-senior.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1525058-chance-rising-senior.html</a></p>
<p>Thank you all so much !
is my major impacted at any of the UC’s ? Lol</p>
<p>And should I submit my SAT 2 scores ? There a bit low</p>