Safety school - TX State or UT San Antonio?

Pros and cons of both? Academically, school spirit and sports, area/campus, dorms?
Any info is helpful. Thanks!

Tx state is in a (pretty) college town.
UTSA is obviously in one of the country’s largest cities.
The honors college admissions process is different: top15%+29 act at UTSA, top 10%+act 27 at Texas state. Look at the offerings and advantages since the honors college will matter a lot.

Texas State will give you more of traditional college experience. Most of UTSA students are commuters although they do have alot of students staying on and near campus. Overall academically they are the same. Some programs at TXST are stronger while others are stronger at UTSA. School spirit is about the same although UTSA has had the more successfull football program over the last 5 years. Overall UTSA has the better dorms due to most of them are fairly new. TXST has brand new and older dorms so it is a mixed bag. The vast majority of kids at TXST live on campus freshman year and then move to apartments. Both schools compete for the same students and both schools have experienced rapid growth over the 7 years. It really boils down to personal preference. I will say this, I know many students who have transferred from UTSA to TXST but I do not know any who have transferred from TXST to UTSA. I am sure it happens but personally do not know anyone who has done this. What will be your major.

Psychology or possibly another science like biology. TX Tech is safety school now but wondering if TX State would be better since it’s closer to civilization.

In terms of environment I’d pick tx state over tech for sure :wink:

That’s what I’m thinking. A lot of it is which is a better school overall and which location is better. Apparently, she can’t have both

I have a cousin who went to Tech while her brother went to TXST. They both greatly enjoyed their experiences and still live in Lubbock and Austin after graduation. To me selecting a school is like looking for a house. You will know it is right for you once you hit the right campus. My son was headed for Tech until we visted TXST. He knew right away it was the place for him. I was pulling for UofH but it come in 3rd place. He made the right choice for him.

@Grainraiser, yep I too stayed in Lubbock. I don’t miss DFW traffic at all.

Some folks really like Lubbock while others can’t stand the remoteness. You really need to go visit each campus. TX State is in a great town and close to Austin, New Braunfels, Gruene, an hour from San Antonio. Loop 130 can take you away from going through Austin.

Texas State is more of a traditional college environment. It’s right on the San Marcos river, which is a big swimming hot spot during the spring/summer months. It has a well established reputation of being a party school. The real downside is that it has HILLS. Nothing is flat. You’re either walking uphill or downhill. They have shuttle buses that take you around campus. Sports are not all that good, but there’s definitely school pride.

UTSA is more of a city university. The buildings are closer together, which makes it easy to get around the campus. It has a better football team and there’s quite a lot of school pride. It has a diverse and super friendly campus. It’s not a party school. People fall in love with UTSA mainly because of San Antonio. That’s partly because the campus is 2 minutes from Six Flags! The dorm options are about the same as Texas State, but UTSA has much better parking. The upside of UTSA is the city. There’s PLENTY of things to keep you from getting bored. A season pass to Six Flags doesn’t cost all that much either. You have the downtown Riverwalk, the Shops at La Cantera, and unbeatable Mexican food.

Thank you! Very helpful info