Safety Schools for a kid who likes vibe of Swarthmore, Haverford. [3.7/34 for Humanities]

Pomona, Amherst, Williams

Interested in humanities (American studies, anthropology…) and science (LOVES Chemistry but highest grades in English/History)—curious kid who likes to delve deep into different topics. A little cerebral. Not big on Greek system. Social Justice-minded.

3.7W and 34 ACT (36/35/35 in science, english, reading).

Leans towards lush, green suburban campuses surrounded by nature. (Williams may be too rural, but felt peaceful to him).



Skidmore (not a safety, but a match, I think). Lewis and Clark. Hobart. Not sure about the setting, but Sarah Lawrence? Also not a safety, but Bates? Connecticut College?


I’d be mentioning places like Rhodes and Kalamazoo, but maybe the setting isn’t quite on point (nice campuses, though).

Bard? Very distinct vibe, but lovely campus in a cool Hudson River Valley setting.


Earlham has a great chemistry department and a very similar vibe to your other Quaker top choices. Less leafy and suburban, but a very good safety (with merit!) Also super internship/foreign study opportunities for a kid interested in both anthropology and social justice.

Macalester might be another to consider. It’s in a more suburban part of town.


Agree with the above, and also check out Reed, Macalester, Oberlin, Kenyon, Rochester, Beloit, and Bard. Of these, Bard and Beloit could be safeties, but the others are reasonable matches and worth a shot.


I thought of St. Olaf in Northfield MN right away when I saw your post. Gorgeous campus in a beautiful college town not quite an hour south of Minneapolis. No Greek life and a great community. We loved the school when we toured it. This would likely be a safety and they also offer nice merit aid packages.

Bates College also came to mind, but it wouldn’t be a safety - probably a reach. But less of a reach than Swarthmore and Haverford.


What is the UWGPA?

I’ll second Lewis & Clark and add another vote for Bard. Vassar’s a little farther south on the Hudson, and it’s definitely not a safety (although admit rate for men is 26% vs. 16% for women), but you might want to add it as a target as it seems to check the boxes for a nice balance of humanities and science with a SJ/non-Greek vibe.


What about the College of Wooster or Dickinson?


With respect to settling, this Newsweek article may offer you further ideas:

Unweighted grade point average

To clarify, I believe that poster would like to know this student’s unweighted GPA.

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OP, just to be clear, we need the cumulative unweighted GPA thru junior year, core courses only on a 4 point scale…where any flavor of A = 4, B = 3 and so on. Posters can’t give safety/highly likely recs without that info.

Thanks all. School does not do GPAs so was not on transcript, but I found it: UW is 3.6

So honors and AP courses are not weighted much at all at this school (or doesn’t offer many) of those types of courses)? Where did the weighted 3.7 come from?

What type of HS does your student attend? (Public/private, highly competive, etc)

Beloit has a great Anthro program. Check it out and my daughter graduated from there if any questions. Your daughter would get a nice merit.


Perhaps Skidmore and Connecticut College are worth researching?


Private, only offers in STEM

Clark U. in Worcester MA. (Not to be confused with Lewis and Clark).

In general, google “little Ivies” and “Colleges that Change Lives.”

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Below are some schools you may want to consider (most of which would be likely or extremely likely for admittance, while a few like Brandeis, Conn College, and Oberlin might be more like toss-ups, but leaning likely).

  • Brandeis (MA): About 3600 undergrads
  • Connecticut College: About 1800 undergrads
  • Drew (NJ): About 1600 undergrads
  • Ithaca (NY): About 4800 undergrads
  • Lawrence (WI): About 1500 undergrads
  • Oberlin (OH): About 2900 undergrads
  • Pacific Lutheran (WA): About 2400 undergrads
  • SUNY Geneseo: About 4500 undergrads
  • The College of Wooster (OH): About 2k undergrads
  • Washington College (MD): About 1k undergrads
  • Wheaton (MA): About 1700 undergrads