Salve Regina University to New York

Whew. I’m currently a freshman Pell Honors student enrolled in Salve Regina University and not really feeling it so far. I’ve felt regret since before I even started because I didn’t apply to any schools in New York, where I ultimately want to be. I’m heavily considering a transfer as the Newport scene here isn’t really my style and I want to be in a place where there’s a bit more going on. I also don’t feel like SRU is “smart enough” for me as it isn’t known for its academic excellence and I want a more reputable school as I’m seeking law school eventually. I want to try to get into Fordham or something like it, but don’t know if I should jump the gun so soon. Any transfer advice out there??

I usually tell kids to stick it out and see how they feel after at least a semester but you sound quite focused. Make the best of where you are but pursue moving on. Good luck.

This is good advice. Thank you very much- I’ll stay regimented with academics this semester but also prepare to apply to Fordham.

In general I think it is a terrible idea to start one college with the intent of transferring out. This will stand in the way of your making meaningful friendships, developing relationships with professors, and getting involved on campus. Then if your transfer doesn’t work out as planned you will be really stuck. I’d start Salve Regina with the intent of staying all four years. It is fine to throw in some transfer applications but don’t count on it working out. Keep in mind that merit aid is harder to come by as a transfer student so affordability could be an issue.

Interesting and valid points. I’ve been able to make a ton of friends already, however, and get involved with activities, but my heart is elsewhere. Money isn’t an issue so aid doesn’t particularly bother me but I understand your viewpoint. Thank you for the advice!