Sample Math Placement Exam

<p>My normal Michigan password (for example, for umich email and Wolverine account) does not work for access to the sample math placement exam. Is anyone else having a similar problem? I even tried the original password they sent me way back when, before I changed it. Any help would be appreciated.</p>

<p>im having the same problem.</p>

<p>Login name is your uniqname
Password is your U-M ID number
good luck</p>

<p>Thanks, HauckT!!!!</p>

<p>that exam was rather easy.</p>

<p>How long did it take you guys to complete the exam?</p>

<p>just out of curiousity, how did you score Ford?</p>

<p>i did slightly worse than i was hoping, but then again math isnt really my strong point... on the ACT i got 36, 35, 35, and then a 29 in math....</p>

<p>i got 34 on the math on act (that was 1 wrong thanks to the curve)<br>
45/45 on the placement though</p>

<p>hehe...after I took the math advisor checked with admissions just to make sure I actually did get into UM in the 1st place...hehe.</p>

<p>And i finished in about 35 min
I spent the rest of the time checking the problems and reworking a few i wasn't sure of. I think one of them might have been a bad question.</p>

<p>how would you compare it in difficulty to the SAT/ACT?</p>

<p>about the same</p>

<p>another bad question GT? They had a faulty one last year. When will they ever learn?</p>

<p>I dont know if I was tired or what, but I got a 30/45.....but I got a 780 on my math SAT and have gotten A's in Pre-Calc and Calc (not AP calc tho)....ugh</p>

<p>I wouldn't stress. I get the feeling that the placement test is only to see if you need to take algebra.</p>

<p>i think it was harder than the SAT1 math (got 800), got a 42/45 in 30 mins (didnt bother checking hahaha). Dont think this things gonna be a big deal though. I actually took it cuz i was a bit bored and felt like doing some math. (how weird am I, considering I just finished my IB exams and graduated last week)</p>

<p>What was the test on? Basic algebra, pre-calc, trig, or all of the above? Did you guys review your old stuff at all?</p>

<p>i didnt, i think you really shouldnt try to 'improve' your score by doing anything, cuz its at ur best interest to just do what you can so you can know where you're at.</p>

<p>theres algebra, trig, geometry(i think some fits in this category?) and just stuff you've probably learned in high school..</p>

<p>True but math is one of those things that I learn and forget quickly. I took the AP clac test and definitely don't wanna be placed in anything lower than Calc I. So there is no pre-calc or calc at all?</p>

<p>Absolutely no calculus. Pretty basic algebra, geometry, trig. Sonar is right, it's just to check to see if you're competent enough to at least attempt a calculus class, and if not you get put into remedial courses. I think you can get something like a 50% and still be placed into's not a big deal.</p>