San Diego State Fall 2023 Transfer Thread

Daughter accepted today 03-23-23:

Major: English
GPA: 3.8
AS-T: Yes, ADT.
Pre-reqs: Done
Golden Four: Done
Local: Yes
Other campuses where you applied:
SDSU: Accepted
CSULB: Accepted
CSUN: Accepted
CSUF: Accepted
SJSU: Accepted
CPP: Pending (what the heck! but we don’t care)

Now have to convince her to stay in town and attend SDSU vs CSULB.

Good luck everyone!


accepted today for rhetoric and writing studies 4.0 gpa non local


Daughter accepted today 03-23-23:

Major: Communications
GPA: 3.93
AS-T: Yes, ADT.
Pre-reqs: Done
Golden Four: Done
Local: No (OC)
Other campuses where you applied:
SDSU: Accepted
CSULB: Accepted
Cal Poly Slo: Waiting
University of Arkansas: Accepted
UCLA: Waiting
UCSB: Waiting (TAG)
UCB: Waiting
UCSD: Waiting

Very happy to have SDSU and may be a tough decision pending further results. Go Aztecs!

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Congrats! Did the decision come via email or just portal so far?

I got in today!!! good luck to you all here are my stats:)
Major: communications
GPA: 3.915
AS-T: Yes
Pre-reqs: on assist I completed all but comm 212- Argumentation
Golden 4: yes
Local: yes, San Diego County
Schools I applied to:
SDSU: accepted
UCSB: waiting
UCSD: waiting
Cal Poly Slo: waiting
UC Berkeley: waiting
UCLA: waiting


I found out from my portal:)

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Major: Mechanical Engineering
GPA: 3.67
Golden Four:A,A,A,A
Local: No
Other campuses where you applied:

SDSU: Accepted
CSULB: Accepted
CPP: Accepted
CPSLO: waiting

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Just got accepted!!! So excited!!!

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I just got accepted today through the portal!

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I heard back on Feb 22nd, and it was a provisional acceptance. I’m from a nearby CC too, but a lot of my friends haven’t heard back either, I wouldn’t worry about it :slight_smile:


what major were you accepted to? just wondering if anyone has received an acceptance yet for sociology.

Social sciences! Did you check your portal? I didn’t get anything in my email

Someone on Reddit got in for Sociology ADT

Transfers check your portals. I just got admitted to San Diego State! After a long and grueling wait finally accepted.

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Admitted to SDSU,
Mechanical Engineering
3.94 GPA

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thank you for letting me know! I got into slo a few days ago so not too sad if it’s a rejection. Thank you again!!

Admitted for Marketing

Major: Business Marketing
GPA: 3.88
AS-T: Yes, completed by end of Spring 2023
Pre-reqs: Completed by end of Spring 2023
Golden Four: A, A, A, A
Local: No, in-state
Other campuses where you applied: SLO (accepted), Long Beach (accepted), Fullerton (accepted)

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Son was accepted today and he’s committing!

Major: Business- financial services
GPA: 3.51
AS-T: Yes, by end of Spring 2023
Pre-reqs: Completed by end of Spring 2023
Golden 4: yes
Local: No, but SD county (north of 56 frwy)
Schools I applied to:
SDSU: accepted
CSUSM: accepted

I’m a Poli Sci major :slight_smile: I’m not too sure if I’ve seen any decisions for Sociology so don’t give up hope yet.

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