San Diego State University Class of 2027 Official Thread

This feels off - I highly doubt picking applicants is akin to a random number generator formula selecting applications. If anything, maybe there’s more human intervention that we suspect in selecting CSU apps based on HS course rigor (including the academic standing of the HS a kid attended) + work hours and EC hours + local area + impaction variables


It seems not kick-in yet for this year.


Can’t remember where I saw it, maybe Quora, but CSUM’s software engineering major is arguably better than SDSU’s CS major, it’s a one of kind program amongst the CSUs if your kiddo is interested in aiming towards heading the dev direction. SDSU’s CS program is ranked highly but it definitely trends towards the traditional with less emphasis on newer technologies in upper division electives. I’d say SDSU probably has a better “student experience”, for which you will pay more for vs San Marcos!


First of all, the maximum CSU GPA is 4.4 however due to P/NP courses it could be slightly higher. Secondly, SDSU admits by major with an average admit CSU GPA last year of 3.97 (according to CSU counselor conference) so approximately 50% of applicants would fall into the 4.0 pool. How they rank within each major involves the supplemental factors listed such as Math GPA, Local Inservice area, First generation, EOP, # of a-g courses over the minimum, # of Honors/AP/IB/DE courses etc…

The # of a-g courses over the minimum is very important since the more a-g courses taken 10-11th grades the more dilute the capped weighted CSU GPA can become so comparing GPA’s is problematic.


Good news is she has some great acceptances under her belt! One thing you can do is check the average dept GPAs on the Institutional Research section of the SDSU site - if she’s under the average probably the best to hope for is a waitlist decision unfortunately

That’s fantastic! Ours was a bit lower at a 3.6 UW/3.82 CSU GPA so he’d likely receive a lower scholarship $ amount.

Given that the Engineering avrg GPA last year was a 3.93 for SDSU we’re probably looking at a waitlist or a rejection. But who knows, maybe 2023 is more like 2021 when the avrg eng. GPA was 3.83 or something similar. I think more and more kids aren’t getting into as many, or any, UCs as part years and are applying in droves to the top CSUs…


I’ve heard of a few nursing acceptances as well as waitlists and one rejection. Still waiting though


Ahh, thanks. Good to know.


I think the CSU algorithm probably also accounts for zip code. I read the UC’s give a grade bump to kids in certain zip codes. Obviously that is done through a program. No way they have numbers crunchers down in the basement!

CSU’s give a bump for local in-service area applicants. UC’s do not.

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Interesting. Thank you for the info!

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But once the information is entered, that could all be done through a computer algorithm, no?

I do not work in admissions and I do know some of the process is automated but not sure all. Before going test blind, SDSU used an eligibility index using CSU GPA and test scores. Then they ranked the EI for each major and accepted from the top down still factoring in local applicants and other supplemental factors. Since going test blind the process has been modified to include with even more supplemental factors which are not fully spelled out so hard to determine how all applicants are admitted.

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The bottom line is there is no excuse for no or hardly any rejections at this point if the volume of applications is at what people are suggesting. There is nothing to be gained-they have identified and notified some waitlist already.


This is really specific and interesting information. I’m fascinated by the different colleges’ processes. Thank you!

I truly don’t understand why they don’t notify everyone at once unless they are behind or worried about a server crashing.


Interns, it’s the interns using Excel pivot tables to make these decisions! ; )


Thank you! Yes, we are going to both admit days in April and plan to walk around the campuses during his spring break when school is in session for them.
I’d like him to have the college experience. I also want to make sure his program will give him opportunities for internships.


Gumbymom, Local admissions area is determined by high school location and not residence location, correct?

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That’s good information! I wasn’t sure about the difference between the CA and Software Engineering major at CSUSM.

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