San Francisco State - School of Nursing

I was just wondering what it takes to get into San Francisco State's Nursing program. I'm a sophomore in High School interested in getting my BSN from San Francisco State. I've heard their Nursing Program is pretty impacted though so I was curious if anyone here has gotten accepted and what it took GPA-wise as well as SAT/ACT score-wise and what kind of courses you took in HS. </p>

<p>Oh! If you don't mind me asking, if you are someone (or know someone) who got accepted, what did you pay on average per semester and did you live on campus or did you commute?</p>

<p>Okay im just linking myself to this post now lol. Im a sophomore in high school so i cant really help you haha. But i might want to get into this school too. Im considering nursing, or ultrasound tech</p>