So daughter has her SAO application done.
The “any teacher” recommendation and the “personal recommendation” as well as the “math teacher” and “English teacher” and “principal recommendation” are all nice and uploaded.
Except – I just realized as I was clicking on one of her schools that they didn’t require the any teacher or the personal recommendation, so it is not showing up highlighted in yellow for that school.
And so I went through and checked the 13 schools on my daughter’s list.
12 do NOT have either of those recommendations listed!
(So basically we called in this major favor of two of her teachers for 1 school???!!)
We would very much like to include these recommendations in our daughter’s file. (Of course, we will go school by school to determine if that will be welcomed.)
Does anyone happen to know from being in similar position:
From the recommender’s perspective, how hard would it be to email that SAO recommendation? I mean do we know if it’s a pdf? or is there enough text just to copy and paste it into a word doc? Or is it more of a check-the-box and short answer thing? Just wondering if anyone has insight here before we start asking for even more favors from teachers who are already overworked, stressed about online classes, etc. I hate to announce to them: oh by the way, your recommendation basically went to no one.