Sarah Lawrence College Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

This year, the Early Action (EA) / Early Decision (ED) deadline for Sarah Lawrence College is November 1.

List your unweighted GPA, any SAT /ACT scores, and ECs. What majors are you going into?
Ask your questions, the CC community is here to help!

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My daughter applied EA to Sarah Lawrence. Just wondering if anyone else here applied and if you have received a decision yet?

Mine did, too. No decision yet and not sure when they released last year.

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My daughter hasn’t heard anything either. I looked back at old posts here and three years ago they released on 12/12, which was a Thursday. So, hopefully soon?

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Okay thank you! Best of luck to our daughters!

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My daughter also applied EA, but Sarah Lawrence is her first choice. Per this, they released 12/15 last year; hoping for the same this year! (though sooner is fine, too)

My daughter applied EA as well. She applied EA to 3 schools and hasn’t heard from any yet. Hoping for some results soon!

In 2020, decisions were released 12/11, which was a Friday.

Still no word about a date? I feel like every other school has at least announced a date.

I just got an email about the decision date!


December 20th is the EA release date :+1:


Big day tomorrow! Good luck to everyone!


My D23 just let me know that she got the email! She’s waiting to get home from school to check the portal. Good luck everyone!

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My daughter got in Early Action! And got a 42K Presidential Scholarship!!!

Editing to add stats to try and be helpful - 1470 SATs (submitted), 97.4/100 GPA unweighted, 6 APs (her school only offers 7).


Deferred. 95/100 unweighted, 97 weighted GPA. 5 or 6 APs, Honors, and a few dual enrollment courses. Did not submit scores.

D23 was accepted with 35k Dean’s Scholarship!

4.3 weighted gpa (prob around 3.9 unweighted)
1390 SAT
3 APs (4/5/5). All other core classes Honors when available
Great EC but no sports. She’s a dancer who does music, theatre, and student government. Leadership in all areas.
English/Creative Writing major with Theatre as a possible 2nd major
Did submit Arts Supplement for writing, theatre and dance.

I appreciate that a full FA letter (including need-based grants) was included with Admission so that we can see that SLC is an affordable option for us.

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EA accepted! International Scholarship for 1k.

Accepted with Dean’s Scholarship ($35k). 3.99 UW GPA, 1510 SAT, 3 APs. Strong ECs and letters of rec, essay probably strong though it was my least favorite of all my schools.


Hi, My son applied EA and was accepted a few days ago with good merit.

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