Sarah Lawrence Parent Accused of Sex Trafficking and Abusing Students
The NYT article doesn’t cover an obvious question - how was it possible for the guy to move into his daughter’s dorm in the first place…

This article has more info than you even want to know. Crazy.

My goodness, unbelievable! A sociopath setting up a cult right in the middle of a small campus. It’s so terrible. I feel for all of the families involved and of course the victims.

I read The Cut article quickly (it’s long), but it does seem as if the school was notified at least once, and the police, twice. Now when the reports are being made by adults (the students) and later recanting their testimony, I guess authorities’ hands are tied, but it really seems like the school should have been been looking more closely at this situation and contacting authorities, or at least giving the students some guidance or a lifeline!!! I know nothing about the school or situation and don’t mean to badmouth the school; it is just incredibly unbelieveable and concerning that this was happening right under the college’s nose.

Sarah Lawrence deserves the scorn this mess brings. Larry Ray was reported to school staff and they dd NOTHING. ‘Gee, a dad is allowed to visit his daughter…’ (Slonim 9 is a SLC dorm).

From the April 28 2019 New York article: ’ From the first time they’d heard about Larry, Claudia’s parents were suspicious of him. When they realized he was living in Slonim 9, they met with Allen Green, Sarah Lawrence’s dean of student life. Green told them he’d received other complaints about Larry but his hands were tied; a father had a right to visit his daughter on campus, he explained. ’

Has the college made any sort of official response to the allegations?

@sue22 The only thing I could find was in response to the Cut article last year saying they had no record of him living on the campus.

@frostymom I was furious reading The Cut article. It is mind boggling this monster lived on campus. College must be assembling a legal team for what is coming (charges warranted). L Ray better be facing life in prison.