<li>I like her story more than Obama's. She's goofy, calling her husband, "first dude". Warm lady. Basketball star, hunting lady, working class, sweet</li>
<p>Obama traveled around the world when he was young, went to some fancy schools, became an attorney or something, registered voters, got into Washington, and made a lot of speeches</p>
<li>City council, mayor, ethics commisioner, cutting taxes, exposing the corrupt within her party, enabled a $40 billion natural gas pipeline to secure America's energy.</li>
<p>What's Barack's record, some ethics reform bill so that lobbyists couldn't swoon him with fancy arugula? :D</p>
<li><p>Violently anti-abortion... So ironic :D If you think that people supported Hillary because of abortion, you're right, there's no way a Hillary supporter would be able to support Palin's clear stance. On the other hand, if you believed in Hillary as someone competent enough to move this direction forward and were not satisfied with Obama, Palin and McCain's history of bucking their party line to serve the people might move you :)</p></li>
<h1>3. We need someone with wise judgment to steer the foreign policy issues. Is Barack "tiny" Iran, no preconditions, wise? Years in Washington won't make you smarter, making touch executive decisions can.</h1>
<p>I'm really dissapointed in the partisan hate towards Palin, a principled woman that has defied her party to better her state. She's a great lady :D</p>