<p>IB Student
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Male</p>
<p>SAT: 2320 (superscored)
CR: 800
Math: 760
Writing: 760</p>
<p>Grade Average (gr.9 to 11): 89 --> 93 --> 96</p>
<p>SAT II's:
Math II: 800
US History: 800
French: 470</p>
<p>Extracurriculars/Volunteer/Job Experience:</p>
<p>1) Debate (hook?)
- Debated internationally (High School North American championships)
- Debated nationally x2 (Canadian National High School championships)
- Semifinalist debater in province (equivalent to state championships)
- Best debater in region
- Numerous other top 8 finishes at various university debate tournaments
- Coached my high school's junior (grade 9/10) debate team
- Initiated and coached a debate club at an elementary school
- Was a judge at numerous high school debate tournaments</p>
<p>2) Basketball
- Played 3 years for high school (1 Finals, 2 Semi-Finals, and 1 MVP award)
- Coached junior (grade 9) basketball team (undefeated season haha)
- Organized and participated in Hoops 4 Heart 2 years (basketball tournament for charity)
- Paid employee and referee at Rep. Basketball Club (AAU equivalent)</p>
<p>3) Music
- School Orchestra 2 years (2nd place finish at Concert Band Nationals)
- Church orchestra 6 years
- Played cello for 8 years (performed at various local recitals)</p>
<p>4) Miscellaneous
- Founded and President of World Vision Club at school (fund raised money from local elementary schools)
- Speaker at international student conference (TEDx)
- 1 week internship at law firm
- Assistant teacher at Kumon 3 years (paid position)
- several subject/outstanding student etc. awards from school
- Yale Summer Session (essentially a Yale University semester during the summer) 2 university credits in Intro to Psychology and Intro to Political Philosophy
- Lead America Career Conference at Columbia University</p>
<p>5) Recs
will be great</p>
<p>Thanks to any replies :)</p>
<p>You have a decent chance at admissions. Your 470 would probably not affect your chances that much, but just in case, try to retake it for at least a 600+ in an attempt to reconcile any doubts. Your coaching both in basketball and speech demonstrates initiative and leadership which will work very favorably in your admissions. A VERY good essay topic if you ask me.</p>
<p>You seem like an extremely strong applicant. Most schools only require you to send 2 SATII tests so maybe you can leave out the 470 (or just retake it). Besides that, all you have to worry about is conveying your passion and uniqueness in the application. That would be the only thing to set you apart from all of the other perfect scoring applicants applying to Yale haha. I’m sure you’ll find a punch and sell it to them. Luck!</p>
<p>Why did you take the test if you were clearly not ready for it, or did something happen during the test (eg. you got sick)? Anyway, I don’t think that would affect your app because I don’t think you have to send it… You have decent chances but as with all Ivies, admissions are pretty random.</p>
<p>Okay, sorry, it’s late and I’m bored, I couldn’t resist. But you have a great chance ANYWHERE, however, don’t send that 470 haha, it won’t help you at all. But your application is looking VERY strong, your SAT score is right where it needs to be. You are Asian though, and while an upward trend is nice, most Asians will have absolutely impeccable grades, the competition will be quite fierce. Your ECs are outstanding though, you have a great chance anywhere(:</p>
<p>I’d love to not send that French score but doesn’t Yale require all SAT scores for review? In which case I’m out of luck…</p>
<p>If you want to be taken seriously on CC, drop your name and start over with a new name.</p>
<p>What a completely unnecessary comment lol</p>
<p>Any other chances would be appreciated
<p>I wouldn’t call debate a “hook” but rather a passion. From what I see, a lot of asians have awards in debate. I guess the “470” was to grab attention, but I think that most schools only ask for 2 subject tests. Though the ECs are okay, I can’t say they’re Yale good which is why I think it would be a reach for you. But who knows?</p>
<p>haha no, not sarcastic! kind of jealous of your debating skills though 
How did you qualify for all these debate competitions? Is it just with your high school team, or can you register elsewhere?</p>
<p>sadly the 470 wasn’t an outright attempt to grab attention,
[Standardized</a> Testing for Freshman Applicants | Yale College Admissions](<a href=“http://admissions.yale.edu/standardized-testing]Standardized”>Standardized Testing Requirements & Policies | Yale College Undergraduate Admissions)</p>
<p>I was looking for opinions on how much that score would affect my chances as I have to send all standardized testing results to Yale.</p>
my high school is registered with a provincial (state-wide) “debate board” that organizes tournaments</p>
<p>I was able to attend the national/international tournaments by advancing through qualifying tournaments hosted by the provincial debate board</p>
<p>That is insanely cool.
Congratulations and GOOD LUCK! Though I’m pretty sure you won’t need it!</p>
<p>you don’t have to send all of your scores for the subject test.</p>
<p>if yale requires two, you send ONLY two subject tests, but you have to send ALL sittings for those tests. so you don’t have to send french.</p>
<p>i agree with texaspg.</p>
<p>With score choice, you can send whatever scores you want and the colleges will have no way of verifying if those are all the scores.</p>
<p>you have to check the school’s policy</p>
<p>From Yale’s webstite
“Please note: Yale does not participate in Score Choice. Therefore, you need to send Yale the results of all SAT and SAT Subject Tests or all ACT tests that you have taken.”</p>
<p>am I misinterpreting this statement, I don’t think I am…
Its pretty clear that I have to send my French score, or do people still doubt me?</p>
<p>You may be “required” to, but I believe you choose which scores to send. And Yale has no way of verifying that you sent all scores.</p>