**SAT 2 Biology E/M November 2016 Discussion Thread**

Not sure if anyone made one yet…

How were we supposed to know what a chaparal is :frowning:

There was a question about comparing animals through nucleotides, fossil record, radiative dating or something what was that? Also, there was a question about glucose and protein attached… was that phosopholipid bilayer?

what was the thing about golgi, ribosomes, and er

There was not a term on the test that I had not memorized before, the problem was the test REALLY made sure you knew the intricacies of some of the terms. That may have tripped me up. I was also surprised to find an involved problem at the end of both the E and the M test. (I took M).

I had a bit of time to check over about half the problems I did, however that in no way assures that they were correct. For in this test more than any other confidence seems to have no correlation to score for me.

I omitted under 5. And usually have lowish accuracy on the ones I do answer.

Predict at least a 600+ score. I got over 600 on every practice test I took from Barrons and Princeton’s. I read the Barrons book for content. Next test (if needed) I will read the Princeton review for content review.

I wish I had taken an SAT released test because while the content is easier their tests do a lot better job of tricking you into the wrong answer. I felt like I might have fallen for some tricks.

I almost forgot to bubble in the Math Level II bubble… that would have been BAAADD.

i put that proteins are made in the ribosomes, transported to the ER and then golgi… none of the other answers made sense for me

I said amino acids couldn’t relate instead of nucleotides. Not sure which one it was :frowning:
Ya same! I was aiming for 750+ but I’m thinking of retaking and this time taking the real CB released one just because all of the questions were tricky. I studied so much endocrine/animal/human physiology but that did me no justice :((

lol I was also shocked to see “chaparral”…

@imaloserlolol … What did you put on that very question with “fossil records” blah blah