Few days left for the test. How is the prep going?
Good luck guys !
Few days left for the test. How is the prep going?
Good luck guys !
Is organic chemistry tested at all? I really don’t feel like preparing for something that may not be on the test. I took the Chem subject test last November and there wasn’t any organic. Is organic something that occasionally pops up on the test? I know PR, Mcgraw Hill, and Barrons have it in their prep book for things to study.
@Jordie12345 No I doubt. I guess they may ask the basics though
i just started cause apparently i hate myself XD is it just me or does barons over prep? I recall that barons for math2 was way harder than the actual exam
As well, has anyone ever seen quantum number questions? I have no idea what they are and I really don’t want to prep for it as well
Hi guys! I’m taking SAT Chem this weekend as well. I have the Barrons book and I feel like it’s over preparing me… Does anyone know what we have to learn for acids and bases?
@Jordie12345 Some of my friends took it and told me they hadn’t ever seen a quantum number question. You might want to read it over just briefly though, just in case.
@Jordie12345 When I had taken the test last May there was a question : Which subshell has only one orbital (Answer is s) I advice you to not leave topics even though they come hardly in tests. It is good to just know the basics of such topics
@Zaffre Yes, Barrons has a lot of extra topics but there is a slight chance of it coming. From acids and bases just learn about how to derive pH value from a given concentration , the pH scale (<7 acidic , >7 basic) and also learn examples of strong acids and bases. Cause I remember there was a question: Find the pH of a solution whose concentration of hydroxide ion is 1x10 ^ -4 (^ means raised to). Just in case you are wondering - the answer is 10.
@Zaffre oh forgot to mention. Learn about the different acid base theories(Lewis/Arhenius/bronsted)
@Mohijto Okay thanks!
Good luck guys ! Going to the test center now #nervous
need an 800, hate the chemistry curve from the bottom of my heart lol
Oh god I still have a couple of hours til I gotta get to the test centre. JUST ONE LAST QUESTION are the tests in barons book easier or harder? And like by how much bc I got so many wrong on my diagnostic test yet I still scored above 700
@xoxocatz just came back. I guess the Barron’s tests were almost of the same difficulty.
What’d you guys think? I think Barron’s is still harder though
I think Barron’s is harder but there were a few questions that I had never seen before whoops
@xoxocatz Same, lol. This is my second time taking it so I really hope I got the harder questions right
Does anyone know the right answers to the first few questions? I think I mixed some of them up
I don’t remember what the first few questions were, but for the true-false questions, did you guys get a lot of true-false in a row…?
I had four or five T-Fs in a row on the left…
Can anyone else verify how many TTCEs there were? I had four…