<p>Hi guys, I'm native German who speaks German language fluently. I wanted to know if there is ANY benefit for me to take German language as one of my SAT2s. I know it sounds pretty silly that native German speaker is trying to take his own native language test for SAT2 and I know it won't do much help for me. But I also speak a few other languages besides German including English (fluent), Spanish(a little above the average) and Italian (still trying to fortify). As mentioned, I don't expect any benefit from taking SAT2 on my own native language but I want to emphasize to the college admission that not only I speak my own language fluently but also speak other languages fairly well. I'm planning to take the SAT2 on Italian, maybe literature, Spanish and German (if there's any good). Do you guys think taking the SAT2 on German is a good idea for me? by the way, I'm 100 percent sure I can hit 800 on German. Thank you! </p>