SAT/ACT reports

<p>Can someone correctly clarify for me whether the CollegeBoard sends all SAT scores of a given test taker or can the test taker choose which scores he/she wants sent to colleges?</p>

<p>Also, I'm wondering about the same thing in regards to the ACT. Do they send all scores or can you pick which scores you want sent?</p>

<p>Thanks a lot.</p>

<p>collegeboard sends everything you've taken. you cannot choose which scores to send. i don't know about act</p>

<p>nope you cant choose.....they send all your sat 1 and sat2 that you ever took in your life</p>

<p>I took the old SAT once way back and got a terrible score, and later, after I've studied hard-as-I-don't-know-what, I got a near-2400. Supposedly schools only consider one's highest SAT score. Nonetheless, can my initial score hurt me?</p>

<p>not really....most schools take your best scores out of different sitting....though ucb takes it in one for ucb you have the chance to put your best for one sitting</p>

<p>So if I got like an 800 or a 900 on the old SAT, and a 2350 on the new, the incredibly low score will not have the slightest influence?</p>

<p>most likely not.....i know applied to lehigh and took my best math score and my best critical reading score, without me even telling them which one i wanted to give them</p>

<p>The College Board (SAT) sends all the scores except for uncompleted tests and tests taken before high school.</p>

<p>The ACT service will send only the scores of the test date you select.</p>

<p>god, I don't understand why CB sends ALL THE SCORES..</p>

<p>its their policy..... i know its frustrating, but i could be good for you....colleges can you see that you put lot of effort into it and improved thats a plus right there</p>

<p>Yeah, I have thought about that plus myself. Hopefully it outweighs the negative factor.</p>

<p>Does the SAT have an advantage over the ACT in certain schools or it doesn't really matter?</p>

<p>I'm thinking about taking the ACT too.</p>

<p>CB may be hurting itself with the sending-all policy. Students are less likely to take the test many times, which could mean less money for CB. There will be more pressure for achieving some minimum score, and as a result scores may suffer.</p>