SAT and ACT scores received after transcript is sent from high school?

Hi. I was wondering if I receive my score for ACT after my school sent out the transcript to the colleges I’m applying to, would the new score not be received by those colleges since they are not on my transcript?

Many schools don’t put SAT/ACT scores on the transcript.

If you are asking whether your high school will automatically update any information provided on the transcript including new test scores if test scores are normally provided, the answer is highly likely no but check with your high school. If you are asking whether the testing agency,, will send the new scores, the answer is only if you requested it to do so by either identifying the college in your test registration as one to receive scores upon release or you separately order the scores sent after they come out.

As to what you have to send, check each college’s rule. Majority require you to order official scores sent by the testing agency and thus having them provided by high school on transcript is not enough for you to be considered for admission. A decreasing minority accept scores provided on the transcript. Also, there are a small number of colleges that require you to provide all test scores you have if you took multiple SAT or ACT tests