<p>Hello guys, this is my first post on this forum</p>
<p>Anyways, I am a Junior right now and was planning to take Korean Subject test in Nov.</p>
<p>but I totally forgot about it and ended up not taking it.</p>
<p>Next year, I will be a Senior(duh) and what I was planning to do was</p>
<p>take subject tests in probably May, and take SATs in June, October, November, </p>
<p>and possibly December. But now that I gotta take SAT Korean</p>
<p>and it's only offered in November, does this mean I am not gonna be able to take</p>
<p>November SAT? If that is true... I feel like beating myself up for not taking the</p>
<p>Korean subject test...long time ago. </p>
<p>And another question, does December SAT count for colleges whose application</p>
<p>deadlines are in or before3 December? And if it does, how do I choose the scores</p>
<p>I want to send?</p>