<p>Hey, everyone! I'm new here, and hopefully my question won't seem too silly, but it's concerning me.</p>
<p>I just found out that I am a semifinalist about a week ago. My guidance counselor called in to NMSP to let them know we JUST received notice and we were given an extension. My problem is that I was supposed to send my SAT scores (I took it in June and October, but June was better) and because I didn't know that I needed to do it, I never sent my scores. What can be done about this, if anything? Is there a quick-fix method or am I basically already done for? Thanks in advance.</p>
<p>Yes…you have until Dec…</p>
<p>The code for NMCorp is #0085 …so send them now.</p>
<p>Congrats on being named NMSF!!! (What caused the notification delay??)</p>
<p>(I’m so glad to hear that NMCorp makes exceptions for students in such cases.
<p>I’m a bit too short on time to take them again… So, I can still send my old scores from this past June to them and it’ll count toward confirming my scores? I mean, CB still has those scores on record or something? (Please excuse me for sounds ignorant. I’m panicking!)</p>
<p>For sounding* I’m sorry. Typing too quickly. -___-</p>
<p>Don’t worry! :)</p>
<p>Just log on to Collegeboard and send your June scores…use the code #0085. </p>
<p>Yes! Collegeboard still has your June scores!
And, they are fine for NMCorp! </p>
<p>What was your June score?</p>
<p>(BTW…since you’re in this unusual situation where you were notified late, if you’re unsure about anything, just post your questions. We’ll help you thru this.
<p>Thanks so much. :] My June score was 1980, which seems so much lower than everyone else’s. But my letter specifically mentioned the National Achievement Scholarship Program, as I am a Black American, and that’s probably how I got away with such a relatively low score.</p>
<p>So, it sounds like you made National Achievement semifinalist, not National Merit Semifinalist. D received two letters – one directed specifically to National Achievement Semifinalists and the other directed specifically to National Merit Semifinalists. They are absolutely separate, but both require the same essay. Congratulations.</p>
<p>Oh, I see…someone told me that if you were a semifinalist for one, you were one for both. Then again, I’ve only had a week to hear anything from anyone so I wouldn’t be surprised if my information was faulty or incorrect. Well, I’m not complaining. :] I knew my scores didn’t seem to be matching up somewhere with other cut-offs, too</p>
<p>I sent my son’s scores which they told me when I called would qualify him but his last SAT was so much higher than those that I wonder if it would help his chances to send them-any ideas?</p>
<p>If his prior SAT scores are beyond the minimum, then his prior SAT won’t keep him from becoming NMF.</p>
<p>Seriously…kids who don’t make NMF usually cause the problem themselves: by having a lowish GPA (some poor grades), discipline problem, or didn’t do the paperwork.</p>
<p>However, if you want to send his newer scores than go ahead. It may be worth it to you just for peace of mind.</p>