<p>So how much do you think CB focuses on quality?
I mean my essay was really cheesy and, imo, lame. But it was more than 1 and 3/4 pages long. In you previous experiences, what is the correlation between length and score?</p>
<p>There is a really strong correlation only because the good writers are the ones that usually write longer.</p>
<p>Meaning, you can still write a good short essay and a bad long essay, but if anything, write more if you can.</p>
<p>Yeah, I filled up the entire two pages this time. Hoping for that 12</p>
<p>I think they consider long essays to show speedy organization of thought or something like that; everyone I’ve ever read reports a strong correlation between length and score.</p>
<p>Yeah, because I saw the sample essays which are pretty cheesy as well, and they got 12s (and both filled the 2 pages)
I’m hoping for an 11.</p>
<p>Definitely quanity.The SAT graders check on your essay in less than 1-2 minutes,so they cant appreciate everything you ve written.</p>