<p>Hello, :)</p>
<p>I am a junior and I plan on taking the SAT early in 2015 or mid 2015 (before the new changes). :P </p>
<p>I took it as a sophomore and didn't do very well (just about a 1700). To get into the most selective schools of my selection (which are state schools btw and not Ivies or anything like that) I need at least a 1950. I plan on getting Erica M's grammar SAT book and the blue book. I am currently using the Barron's book.</p>
<p>Are there any more books that you would recommend? Math is my worst subject. I would be overjoyed with a 650 (very low on this forum, I know!) in the math section. I think with practice I can get a 680 and 700 respectively in CR and W.
My ultimate goal would be a 2000. Is that possible to achieve from where I am now?</p>
<p>Last question: is the ACT or the SAT generally easier? </p>
<p>I am a senior now and last year I worked through about 4 of the tests in the blue book and in April i got a 1710 (550R, 650M, 510W) and then I took the June test (without much more preparation) and got a 2030 (670R, 740M, 620W). Math is by far my best subject (got a 36 on ACT math) and I was sorely disappointed by my math scores, but the moral of the story is that it is DEFINITELY possible to increase your score. I would argue that preparation isn’t that important. All you have to do is understand the way the test works and a 2000 is not too difficult. I plan on taking it 1 more time for scholarship purposes in december and my goal is (710+R, 780+M, 650+W), but I do plan on finishing out that blue book before the december test so hopefully that’ll help me get past that 2150 hump. Any other questions I can help with? </p>
<p>Cool! Thanks! I have till about next June or so. Is that enough time to get a 2000?</p>
<p>@sooners375 Thanks. That’s good to know. I am most worried about math cause that’s my worst subject. lol. Any advice would be appreciated. Would the ACT be generally easier than the SAT for math? How hard is the science section? </p>
<p>@Hijadelrey I think the ACT math is easier although there are a few pre cal questions you would need to know (But I attend a good HS and was taught them in Algerba 2 about i questions and Sin Cos stuff. SAT does not have any of those. The science is something you would want to have to practice… My problem with the ACT is I never finish anything except math. The science is easy (just look at the question and find that in whichever graph) but hard to get the timing. Don’t waste your time reading the graphs and passages before reading the questions. </p>
<p>I’ve taken both the SAT and the ACT. I’m generally a math person (800 and 36). Overall, I found the ACT math easier since the curve was a little more generous. That being said, they test the same math skills, so they aren’t too different. I can’t be of much help here since I’ve just always been a math person and spend almost zero time studying math except for doing practice sets. Sorry</p>
<p>For CR, I used Erica’s book and the blue book. They both helped increase my scores. Do use them. </p>
<p>Writing, just memorize rules and take lots of practice tests in the blue book. CB likes to use the same types of errors on their actual tests. </p>
<p>That being said, you can definitely increase it from ~1700 to 2000+. You just have to put in the work. I worked my butt off and increased my score to above my goal (2300+). Another helpful tip is to time yourself while taking practice tests. It helps you get ready for actual test corrections and helps you feel less stressed during the test. Good luck!</p>
<p>@sooners375 Cool, thanks!</p>
<p>@crazyhappy Wow, you are definitely a math person!
Cool, that’s good to know. </p>