<p>so i took SAt subjects tests and got my results back
math II: 750
Physics: 700</p>
<p>i know this is below average for an engineer and was wondering how much this would hurt me? would other factors such as a 2250+ SAT and good gpa/class rank overcome this? if not, is there still time to retake the subject tests? thanks for your help and merry christmas.</p>
<p>i did better than you on math but totally crapped physics. it sucks a big one. sorry i know that wasnt helpful
i dont think sat2s will break you… those arent terrible they just dont really strengthen anything in my opinion</p>
<p>it depends… i did better than you on the II’s MII 760 Phys 760 and got a 2120 800M on the SAT. Btw I was accepted ED to Cornell Engineering. If your math score is 770+i wouldnt worry about it</p>
<p>I had a 730 Bio M, 740 Chem, 800 Math II, 2190, and got into ED Engineering. Don’t worry about it. it’s all about being a fit for the school in my opinion.</p>
<p>oh, i actually got 800 math SAT I… i just crapped out on the SAT IIs, especially physics since i didnt learn like 40% of the material and had to omit about 20 questions…</p>