<p>If I'm taking something like Biology, apart from test format, etc. would it be worth it in your opinion to purchase BOTH the SAT Biology Subject Test prep book and the Biology AP prep book? </p>
<p>If they're essentially similar in what they teach (i.e. covering the same topics), then I rather not purchase both.</p>
<p>I'm talking about both from the same company btw, like PR or Kaplan. </p>
<p>I'm only answering this question because no-one else has. I can tell you <em>generally</em> about AP versus SAT II but not about Bio specifically. </p>
<p>AP tests are usually substantially more challenging. The SAT IIs tend to be something of a memorization derby: a lot of facts, some highly specific problem-solving skills, and you're good to go. APs test more depth of knowledge and content-specific critical thinking. A top score on the SAT II might not be equivalent to a top score on the AP.</p>
<p>If you're going to buy just one book, I think you should buy an AP book. It's possible that Biology is a little different from most subjects, but I doubt it. If no-one else answers this post to either back me up or contradict me, you should just go to your local bookstore and spend an hour browsing through the test preparation guides. You should be able to find out really fast whether they cover the same material.</p>