SAT II choices for architecture.

<p>What SAT II's should I take if I'm planning to major in architecture, other than math level II & physics?</p>

<p>i don't think you'll need more than that. don't overkill yourself in HS. save the energy for architecture school</p>

<p>Every school that you apply to will have different requirements. D's 1st choice only required Math. Others asked for any 2 or 3 subjects you wanted; others required none at all. With that info, she took math and two others and let each school take what they wanted from the results. You probably have a few schools in mind - go to their websites and see what they require. Then take the subjects that you're best at within those parameters.</p>

<p>i dont think you need specific SAT IIs for architecture. i did math II and bio. plus i dont believe you have to show your passion for architecture by what subject tests you that in your essays</p>

<p>creativity is not a measure of standardized tests.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone.
I'm planning to apply to cornell, and they require three SAT II subject tests. I'll be taking Math level II and Physics, but I'm still not sure what to take for the third one.</p>

<p>that's weird...i'm a cornell arch student and i only took two sat 2's. maybe they changed the req's. how about history? math and phys are all analytical skills....</p>

<p>if you want to go to cornell with an architecture major (like i do) you have to take two sat 2's. one definitely has to be math (any level, i suggest IIc) and the other is recommended to be a science (i would go with physics)
i'm gonna be a junior in hs and im lookin at cornell too...hey maybe ill c u there in the distant future lol, that is if i get in :)</p>

<p>From Cornell's AAP website for BArch majors:</p>

<p>"Sixteen units of secondary school subjects must be completed, including 4 of mathematics (including plane geometry, intermediate algebra and trigonometry), 4 of English, and 1 of physics. Recommended: One unit of calculus and 3 or 4 of foreign language (3 years of one language or 2 years each of two languages)"</p>

<p>"The SAT Reasoning Test or ACT (with writing) is required, as well as the SAT Subject Test in Mathematics (any level). The TOEFL is required of all international applicants whose first language is not English."</p>

<p>Still think that means that math is the only SAT II required for Cornell for the BArch. Were you were told differently by someone in admissions?</p>

<p>Okay so all we need is one SAT II in mathematics, my mistake.
Whew! :D
I assumed that, since most Ivy Leagues demand three SAT IIs, Cornell would too.
Thank you for clearing it up (:</p>