SAT II Literature-Without any prep in lit?

<p>I am wondering how hard SAT II Literature is. I have not taken any AP literature or AP language composition classes, so I have minimal background knowledge in the area. However, my CR score for SAT was 730. So, I am wondering whether the SAT Lit will prove to be too difficult for me.</p>

<p>People who have scored higher than 700, please give me an estimate of the difficulty compared to the SAT CR.</p>


<p>"Hard"ness really depends on you. My suggestion would be to pickup CB's book of subject tests and take the Lit test (or two) at home under testing conditions. It will give you a good idea on how well you might do.</p>

<p>Uhh, I had a 760 CR, took the lit test with no formal literature preparation, and got a 650. Don't do it, man! Prep!</p>

<p>Take sample tests. If you have read a lot of good literature, including poetry, you may find that you do well.</p>

<p>The Barron's Lit book is extremely (overly) comprehensive. I recommend reading it if you want to take the test.</p>

<p>This is one subject test where it is very, very good to prep. I took the course. We spent months analyzing different forms of poetry and completing essay/poetry analysis. I scored a 770 in the SAT II Lit. Got a 740 on the SAT I CR.</p>

<p>There is little to no correlation between critical reading scores and Literature scores (some people do worse in CR, some do worse in Literature, and few perform similarly).</p>

<p>I concur with those who have recommended taking practice tests. If you do not perform as well as you would like, you should practice by taking more tests and learning various literary terms if you do not know them. If you get practice test scores that you like on at least two tests without preparation, then I wouldn't sweat it. Otherwise, keep practicing! :)</p>

<p>****, took it in June and didn't prep at all (except for taking the AP Lit test earlier in May....similar tests, I suppose). Still waiting on scores! :(</p>

<p>Don't know if this means to prep, or just that they are diff. tests, but my friend got CR:800 and Lit:700. I heard it is like CR in that it is passage based, but more advanced in terms of genres (poetry etc.) and terms (more literary jargon etc.)</p>

<p>If you have minimal knowledge then you must prep because the Lit test will include some technical stuff which isn't there in the CR :) I didn't have a literature background and I took the test after preparing for a month.</p>

<p>thanks for all your help,
i just went out and bought the barrons lit
is it just me, or is that test just HARD?</p>

<p>yeah I took the diagnostic yesterday. The prose was actually somewhat easier than CR passages, but the poetry really got me, and I only got a 36/60. (I think thats a low 600 score)</p>

<p>But, I have to remember that this is Barron's and that these tests are probably much harder than the real thing. </p>

<p>I also have the PR book, and I read through the info chapters in like 30 minutes. Basically all I needed to know where some basic literary terms. So it seems that after you learn that very basic bit of info you just have to practice and practice and practice :)</p>

<p>You guys... you don't know how happy I am to hear all this... I just took the diagnostic test (Barrons) and there wasn't ONE question that I was sure of....</p>

<p>I've heard this test is difficult, so I would prep. It's not that hard to order a prep book and spend a few hours on a weekend looking through it.</p>

<p>If you're used to analytical and close reading of poetry and prose, then it shouldn't be a problem. You might want to brush up on some technical vocabulary and terminology, though. It's definitely harder and more comprehensive than the CR section of the SATs.</p>

<p>If you're a strong and confident reader, then I would take it. Especially if you're comfortable with poetry and pre-20th century readings. I took it with no prep and got a 770.</p>

<p>The Barrons book is REALLY excellent. Better than any other test prep book for any test I've ever read. </p>

<p>I think if I go through it well I'm going to nail it.</p>



<p>I was actually in a similar situation. I got a 740 on my CR but had not taken AP Lit (I had, however, taken AP Lang). I took the test and got a 760. If you understand basic rhetorical devices (the exam seems to focus especially on tone and mood) and are fairly good at passage-based questions, you should be fine. It IS harder than the CR, but not by much. In some aspects, it is easier - for example, there isn't any vocab.</p>

<p>I took it with no prep, but you don't have to follow my example. ;)</p>

<p>If you like literature and critical reading, then SAT II lit shouldn't be a problem. I prepped for under an hour total for the test, and got 750 on it. Yet my current SAT I CR score is 680. So there is no correlation between the SAT I CR and the SAT II lit. </p>

<p>It is much harder than the SAT I CR, btw. The SAT II lit covers poetry (both old and new), and many vague pieces of literature that actually take some thinking...</p>

<p>730 like you in CR
690 no/little prep for lit
PREP FOR IT!!! :(</p>

<p>Yeah, I got a 610 on the Barron’s, but on the Kaplan’s i got a 760. I went over the Barron’s book before I took the Kaplan test, but it was still a pretty big jump…</p>