SAT II retake?

<p>I had a 690 in math 2 (definitely retake)
But a 710 in chem and a 730 in US hist.</p>

<p>Should i retake?</p>

<p>Those are all strong scores. Unless you are scoring substantially higher in practice tests taken in the same conditions, I would not retake. If you have only taken the SAT I once, it is usually worth it to take it a second time, however.</p>

<p>It depends on what schools you are aiming for. Your scores would be considered strong at less selective schools, but at more selective schools, (say the Ivy League) they would not be considered very strong. Keep that in mind when considering if you want to retake.</p>

<p>I had a 720 in USH. I am aiming for Ivies. I really do not want to have to retake this, but I suppose I will.</p>