SAT II scores

<p>I'm retaking an SAT II tomorrow. Do you guys know if Columbia looks at the highest score per subject test? I know most places do, it's just that they don't specify like the others.</p>

<p>Yeah the highest per test. But they won't look at a 780 bio 800 bio and 800 writing. . . they'd look at an 800 bio 800 writing and 760 history. Highest of three different tests including writing.</p>

<p>just as i thought. danke danke</p>

<p>They'll still see all your scores, of course.
Is your SAT test still on? Not delayed because of snow?</p>

<p>even if they see the scores, they'll only consider the highest, right?
and no, i wish it were snowing here in FL. :P</p>

<p>so, if i do horribly tomorrow, that'll hurt me even though my other score was higher for that test? hmmmm</p>

<p>It won't really hurt you, as long as you don't fall more than 100 points I think. Yes they only consider the highest and they will give you the benefit of the doubt even if you go down a bit.
(sorry about the dumb snow comment, I tend to forget there are warm places when it's so cold here! 8 degrees out right now)</p>

<p>How about that severe, life-threatening blizzard warning? White-out conditions, 50mph winds, and I'll be in NYC with my cello case hurray! It's exciting. . . . and life-threatening. . . . .</p>

<p>if they're going to consider the highest, shouldn't they just do that and not even look at the others? after all, that wouldn't exactly be considering only the highest, lol. oh well. whatever. and it's in the mid-50s at the moment here in FL... pretty nice, hehe</p>

<p>Well they don't look at the other scores except that it's kind of unavoidable that your eyes see them together, I guess? lol</p>

<p>lol, i know, i know... i'm screwed either way, regardless.</p>