SAT II Subject Test Results---December 2009

<p>Chem: 800</p>

<p>I knew that there was only one question that I thought I might have gotten wrong, but I definitely wasn’t expecting an 800 getting 750s on Barrons Practice tests.</p>

<p>660 on Latin.</p>

<p>Super, super ticked to say the least, especially because I scored mid 700s on practice tests (including Collegeboard’s.)</p>



<p>the latin test is so weird, they test it like an actual modern language or something. Maybe I just experience it this way because im from holland, and the entire latin thing is different there. However, im good at latin at my school, but scored a 540 on a practice test, 660 is pretty impressive to me.</p>

<p>French 800</p>

<p>@jjavdm: It’s above the mean for 2009, but considering it’d be my strongest SAT II, and I hoped on taking it only once, it’s a huge bummer. There’s always June, I guess!</p>

<p>I never looked at the other language SAT IIs. It seems like other national exams I took, except harder on the sight translations.</p>

<p>OMG OMG OMG OMG i just got my scores!!!</p>

<p>French: 760
Math 1: 770
Math 2: 730</p>


<p>EDIT: oh, and i left like 12 blank for math 2. this is why i’m super excited!! :D</p>

<p>damn looking at some of these scores I feel like I should forget Harvard and Princeton:</p>

<p>Math II – 750
Italian – 800
World History – 730</p>

<p>I also have from November:</p>

<p>Lit-- 680
Physics – 780 (hoping for 800 but w/ever)
French – 800</p>

<p>although how much does the fact that I’m an international compensate? I’m Italian living in France.</p>

<p>^ please don’t be ridiculous, your scores are fantastic.</p>