<p>Which months can i get higher score? Does anyone knows about the curve?</p>
<p>I am also planning to take AP US history but I dont mind if i take SAT us history on either May or June.</p>
<p>So, if there is a curve prob, which month would be more likely for me to score high???? please help</p>
<p>Well, I’m in APUSH right now, and I plan on taking the SAT II US History test in May, because it’s the weekend right after the APUSH test, so everything will still be fresh in my mind. That tactic might work for you. On the other hand, other people might have the same strategy, and thus the curve on the test could be pretty high. Although…are SAT II tests actually curved? I’d have to research that…anyway, I would say it just depends on how well you’re doing in APUSH right now and how confident you feel with the subject. After all, by June, you might have already forgotten some of the material. Hope this helps!</p>
<p>Thanks for very detailed opinion
but then my ap date is on May 6, while the sat ush is on May 7. You would prefer to take the one that is on June, then. Right?</p>
<p>Hmm - a very good question. Do you have other APs the following week? If so you may want to take the SAT II in June. Scale is probably the same for both May and June. This is a tough one. Usually the SAT II comes before the AP. Very bad schedule.</p>
<p>Yeah I prob should take it on June. Thanx</p>
<p>Don’t worry about the curve being high just because a majority AP students (I am using the same strategy) are taking it. As with the actual SAT, the curve is determined long before you ever take the test!</p>
<p>I am taking APUSH on Friday May 6th and AP Bio on Monday the 9th so I am taking the SAT II subjects test for both of those on Saturday May 7th. The new DH US History study guiide says it will prepare me for both the AP and the SAT II. For Bio taking the test on Saturday will help me review anything I see on the SAT II that I don’t know before the AP on Monday.</p>
<p>Make sure you take care of SAT I first, so you don’t run out of time. I’m personally taking subject tests in June because it will give me a few weeks to do practice SAT questions, which sometimes differ in both style and material from the AP questions.</p>