SAT II World History

<p>I took the June World History Subject test and I got a 700. I was really shocked because I thought I was very well prepared, had an A+ in my APWH class, and recently found out I scored a 5 on the AP exam. I was really hoping for 750+ and am definitely going to retake it soon. Does anyone recommend any review books or other sources to help me prepare (especially with Post-Cold war material because that is as far as I got in my APWH class)? Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Barron’s was pretty good, though I can’t speak for any other prep books. Just reading books about history would actually help a lot haha, a lot of the questions I saw I knew because I’m a history buff, so it’s not all just preparation. But Barron’s was good(only $2 or something on Amazon) though the practice tests are way harder than the real thing. Study wise just look at the different phases of history that are big and synthesize their main points and you should be good. That way memorization wise you can focus on the miscellaneous other things. With a 5 on the AP I’m assuming you know the big things so just focus around the edges. Focus on the cultures rather than the events.</p>

<p>Collegeboard sells a book with two previous WH subject tests (and two USH). </p>

<p>Ok thanks @WilliamSmithers did you take the SAT World history subject test? this year?</p>

<p>Yeah I did I got an 800. It was surprisingly Islam focused, which sucked because I spent most of my time studying post-18th century stuff haha.</p>

<p>Ok aha then you seem very qualified then! I need most review with post-19th century stuff most- does Barrons cover that well?</p>

<p>@WilliamSmithers ^^^</p>

<p>Hahaha I wouldn’t say qualified just lucky. Yeah Barron’s is really good about everything(including post-19th century), make sure to take some time to study it though because it covers so much.</p>

<p>@williamsmithers yeah I am starting to review over the summer now and will take it in November or December so I have plenty of time</p>