<p>i'm taking my SAT subject tests this saturday for the first time for UCSD - literature and biology...but someone just told me that UCSD requires math II as well? i was going to take and had already bought the PR prep book for math II a while ago, but i've had no time to study so decided on literature when signing up thinking it needs little prep... also i've seen a lot of past applicants have three scores..should i try to study Math II in one day and add it to my list? i dropped out of AP Calc into pre-calc this year after not having math in a year so i'm REALLY rusty... thanks :/</p>
<p>No, but it's recommended if you are majoring in Math or Science.</p>
<p>You should call admissions on Mon. and ask them, but I called them last summer about the same question. Math test is not required per se for admissions decisions...
if you already have 2 good subject tests and you take Math later they will use it for placement information only if it isn't one of your top 2 scores...IOW,
they will use your top 2 subject test scores, regardless of what subject they are in
thats what we were told; so my d will major in science, but did not take the MAth test
the wording on the UCSD web site was confusing on this, so you should def call them and let us know what they say
I don't know if you are applying for Engineering, didn't ask about that</p>
<p>Take whatever SAT II's you want. It doesn't matter. Only the two highest scores are considered.</p>
<p>i'm majoring in science as well and thought math II was just recommended, i'm glad i checked with the ucsd forum first, i'd rather risk not taking it then taking it and doing badly...thanks for clearing that up for me 88888888, wecandothis, and TheRighteous :) <333</p>