<p>I've heard that Penn likes you to take 2 SAT II' this an absolute must? Would you not be able to get in if you don't take the SAT II's, or if you take only one? The reason I ask is because I am only qualified to really take one SAT II, US History. I would consider taking French, however I am in French IV because it is hard for juniors to schedule French V. Would I be sufficiently prepared for it? The other subjects (e.g. biology, chemistry, world history) I haven't had in a few years. "Brushing up" would probably involve studying an hour each day...which I couldn't justify unless I absolutely need the SAT II's. </p>

<p>Penn's website says you must have the SAT and two subject tests or the ACT with writing. Would I be better off just doing the SAT with writing? What material does this cover? If I were to take the SAT and the ACT with writing, could I include both tests so they could have a better picture of my skills?</p>

<p>Take the Math SAT. It’s pretty much basic math. Otherwise, if you did well on the Critical Reading section of the SAT, you could do that subject test as well.</p>

<p>^ Sorry to butt in here, but I believe suvayanr is talking about the Literature SAT II?</p>

<p>french sat is not hard. i took it after i took french III, did a lot of studying and reading by myself, and got 700++++ :slight_smile: was expecting 800, but i second guessed myself on a few questions</p>

<p>yes yoda. my bad for not putting the name of the actual test in there.</p>

<p>My understanding is that if you just take the SAT (the 4 hour long test), you MUST also take 2 subject tests as well. Subject tests are really easy, and if you don’t want to take the ACT, make sure you have your two subject tests.</p>

<p>If i were you though, I’d spend a day or two in the library/nearby bookstore and flipping through a few of those subject test booklets to see which feels easier for you. Math II is definitely a recommended one though. I spent 2 days prepping for it and got an 800 (I hear it’s better to take the test after Pre-Calc Honors or something of that level…I didn’t take it until after AP Calc BC my junior year, so i had to spend 2 days looking at some old geometry stuff, but the rest is really just common sense. I finished the test with a lot of time to spare too, so I definitely recommend this test).</p>

<p>I heard the US History one is a bit hard, so go look into it at the library or something and figure out which suits you the best. Biology is another easy one imo. I didn’t really do great on this one, i spent a day looking at biology stuff (lawl) and got a 740, but to be quite honest, i don’t really think the subject tests hold THAT much weight, so long as you don’t just show them 600’s or lower…</p>

<p>I got a 710 on the regular Math section of SAT and took Math IC and Math IIC and got a 740 and 760 respectively… without preparing at all. So if you are just looking to get the requirements in then I’d suggest those two.</p>

<p>“french sat is not hard. i took it after i took french III, did a lot of studying and reading by myself, and got 700++++ was expecting 800, but i second guessed myself on a few questions” whatttt?
I’m in IB French after 5 years of studying it, have the reputation as being one of if not the best at French in my school, yet only pulled a 600…</p>

<p>i took it in october with Math II, so i didnt take the listening…however the listening would prob have been easier because of fewer passages. passages are tiring</p>

<p>btw, you got in to uchicago right? congrats!!! i applied rd…reaaaaaally shouldve applied ea though</p>

<p>yeah I did, but my SAT II scores were low so luckily those weren’t considered for admission.
and thanks! hope to see you there next year</p>