<p>Hey, I got 600 in CR in Dec. 08. Do you think it is possible for me to get in the 750+ zone by June?</p>
<p>It’d be pretty hard, but not impossible!
I was very bad in CR like 500’s but I was able to improve myself to get a 660 on an actual SAT. I know that’s not GOOD or anything but it’s a big improvement for me…
I was bad at the vocab section but I became really good at it (like missing only 1 or 0 on the whole test). Since all the questions count the same, I think it’s very important to not miss any on the easy and the vocab. </p>
<p>For the actual reading section, I don’t listen to people who tell me to skim the passages because I don’t retain any info if I read that way… Instead I take my time to read and understand the passages (usually take me 3-5 minutes) and when I get to the questions, usually I am able to answer them pretty fast… Except when I get ones that I really gotta think… haha</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>I’m sort of in the same boat, though I haven’t taken the SAT yet. I got a like a 58 on the last PSAT critical reading, and I’d really like to get up around 700 on the SAT. I know many people whom have really increased their scores, but it really depends on the situtation…</p>
<p>I had a 580 the first time I took the SATI but after going through the Barron’s Critical Reading workbook I was regularly scoring the low to mid-700’s. It took me a week or so to finish the Barron’s CR book. It was very, very easy to go through the book. You should definitely give that book a try. If you are still scoring low then you can get Kaplan’s CR workbook for extra practice (but use the Barron’s strategies!) and memorize vocab words. </p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>Just read books. That’s the best way to increase your reading comprehension and to integrate new words into your vocabulary.</p>
<p>Get the blue book and take the practice CR tests. In order to get a feel for what the correct answer will be you just need to practice. Remember if you cannot find support for the answer in the text even if the answer is true it is wrong. My first time going through the test 12 wrong, then 5 wrong, then 3, and now down to about 1 or 2. Trust me practice makes perfect.</p>
<p>wb555, so are u saying u improved ur score by about 200 in just one week? dangg!!</p>
<p>also, im a very slow reader… what would be a good strategy for me?</p>
<p>I got a 65 in CR on the PSATs a few months ago, then I took about four practice tests, and got a 730 in the Jan SATs.</p>
<p>So I’d say yes.</p>