<p>Hi. I'm currently a high school Junior and I am trying to register for the SATs online. Before the school year started, I made a NEW collegeboard account. I figured I would need it to register for the SATs and such. I did have an older collegeboard account, but it was only used for my PSAT scores back in 9th grade, 10th grade, and possibly 7th grade. I read the warning about creating duplicate accounts, but I figured it would be okay, since I'm going to use this new one for my PSATs this year and to register for my SATs.</p>
<p>However, while I was trying to register, the site said that my information was already on another account. So I couldn't use my new account to register. I don't even remember putting any of my information on that old account... but apparently I have. </p>
<p>I absolutely cannot get back into my old account. I forgot my password, and apparently I forgot my security question as well. Which was really weird, because, I'm pretty sure I know the name of my first pet.</p>
<p>Then in the help section, it said to bypass the security question (if you don't remember it) you can click on the link that would email a temporary password to you. I clicked on it, and it ASKED ME FOR MY SECURITY QUESTION! URGH. </p>
<p>How do I fix this? Also, my PSATs for this year, would I be able to see them using my new collegeboard account or would I have to use my old account. On the student search thing on the answer booklet, I put in my new email, that I used for the new collegeboard account. Though, I'm not sure what difference that makes.</p>
<p>Thank you for taking the time to read this.</p>