Sat optional

<p>I know that Bowdoin is SAT optional, but they never asked if we wanted them to consider our scores like on the Bates application? What do I do?! Should i call them tomorrow and ask?</p>

<p>If you want them to consider your scores , just send to them. They will know how to deal with this/</p>

<p>I sent my scores because if it’s possible I want them to consider my subject tests. But the report sends all of my scores and I don’t want them to consider my SAT I. So i emailed the admissions lady for my area and hopefully she will get back to me or I will try calling again…</p>

<p>Wait…what scores do you want them to consider? Like only SAT2s?
I am pretty sure it is an everything or nothing type of deal. If you send them they consider everything. And if not they consider nothing.</p>

<p>yeah, i concur</p>

<p>i asked admission office about my prob. My prob is the same as that of Lala91. But he told me that he will see all. >.< so I did not send. :frowning: my SAT 2 quite good.</p>

<p>well i emailed the admissions lady for the san diego area and she told me that they will just consider my SAT subject tests and she will put the email in my file to make sure they don’t consider my SAT I…so i guess it’s possible =)</p>

<p>is there a cutoff line for scores?</p>

<p>i scored a 1900 on the SAT I</p>

<p>should I submit that?</p>

<p>An admissions officer told me that usually high 600s in each section is when the recommend sending them in.
The average SAT is a about 1380 or something like that I think or like a 2070.</p>

<p>@lala91 : oh my god, it sucks. >.< Why the adcoms told me that ? :((:(( Hic, my SAT 2 >.< Anyway, everything is already sent to Bowdoin, I cant do anything more.</p>

<p>Does anyone send a resume of your ECs? I forgot to do that >.<</p>

<p>I just added some of my stuff to the additional comments section of the common app…</p>

<p>I wrote about my tutoring in additional comment but i forgot to summarize my ECs . >.< 'cos there are stll some more ECs of mine that i havent mentioned.</p>

<p>Send them by email or mail. I think it is ok to send additional stuff later.</p>

<p>Btw I suck at sat1 but still send my scores. Same reason with you (I got 2x800 in my sat2). Maybe if any of us is admitted, plz suggest the admission office to use a more flexible policy, like Conn for example. They let applicants to choose which scores to be considered.</p>

<p>I haven’t sent them any scores and I’m an international student. I don’t know where that puts me. :S </p>

<p>I have my TOEFL score, High school records, ECs and essays to support the application. I’m not exactly TOO confident about my chances. Still, hopefully.</p>

<p>talha_adnan, it will be ok.
Thanks rogueknight for suggesting me this ^ ^ I will send mail to them. :)</p>