<p>I'm looking to get my score up to a 2100+ but I need some work. My PSAT score was a 169 (64CR 52M 53W). I'm going to take the test in May, and I'm looking for a couple of prep books that'll help me achieve my goal. I understand that the College Board book is best for the practice tests, so I'll be getting that. Also, I'm looking into either the Gruber's Complete SAT Guide 2013, or maybe Barron's SAT 2400. What do you guys think? Any tips/advice/personal favorites?</p>
<p>Hey, it seems like that you are in the same situation as I am. I’m a sophomore and I got 64M 50 CR 50W (164-my score sucks)
. </p>
<p>If you want to increase your writing score, I would suggest that you get the McGraw Hill’s SAT—this book is the best for the writing section from my opinion. Over the Christmas break my writing score of 50 had increased to the 60s range after practicing with this book. As a result, when I took several writing tests in the BB, my scores were in the 60s range. </p>
<p>For math, just get the Barron’s Algebra and Geometry review books and study from them. That’s what I did in 9th grade.</p>
<p>I am really eager to get a high score on the PSAT because some of the sophomores in my school had gotten scores in the 190s and high 200s.</p>
<p>I wish I had your reading score. Can you give me some advice of how you tackle the long reading passages?</p>
<p>I used quite a few different SAT books (Kaplan, Princeton, McGraw Hill, Barrons), and my favorite by far was Kaplan. (the BIG purple book) My least favorite was probably Princeton Review. They always had a few errors throughout the books. My main advice would be to take as many timed practice tests as you can. Best of luck!</p>
<p>DEFINITELY get College Board’s blue book. Taking practice tests is the best way to boost your PSAT/SAT score. Once you run out of practice tests from the Blue Book, use college board’s online SAT course. The actual lessons aren’t that helpful, but they have ten more practice tests (and I heard you can buy it off amazon for cheaper? if you don’t, there’s a coupon in the blue book you can use)</p>
<p>I think the Gruber’s book is pretty good for math practice. For critical reading, I would only use college board material since you want to know the way they want you to answer questions/analyze (since they’re the ones who make the test). </p>
<p>For writing, I used the Barron writing workbook which was pretty good. </p>
<p>As a general guide, Hack the SAT is pretty good/interesting.</p>
<p>Finally, this may be helpful: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-preparation/1438553-cheerioswithmilks-guide-sat.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-preparation/1438553-cheerioswithmilks-guide-sat.html</a> </p>
<p>For what it’s worth, I got have 2320 on the SAT and a 231 on the PSAT.
Good luck!</p>