<p>okay this is a sentence we dis today in SAT prep class today. </p>
<p>The highlight if the season was watching our team win the regional tournament. </p>
<p>What's the gerund (if any) or what's the participle (if any)? This kinda threw me off??? I don't get gerund!!! D:</p>
<p>Please answer me
I’m so lost!!!</p>
<p>Why the hell are you guys going over gerunds? Those don’t even get discussed on the SAT.</p>
<p>Anyways, I’m relatively sure “watching” is the gerund. If someone asks for a gerund in a sentence, odds are that the -ing word is the gerund. Gerunds are just words that seem like verbs but used in a way that makes them a noun.</p>
<p>Would “watching” be indirect? Or direct object?</p>