<p>Does anyone have suggestions about studying for the January 2005 SAT I? Are there any books or other resources that you recommend? Do you have any effective ideas for studying SAT vocabulary? Anything relating to SAT prep will help. Thanks a million!</p>
<p>ok, here i am again! i heard that the college board's 10 real SAT's 3rd edition book is pretty good. any other ideas? :)</p>
<p>Get Princeton Review's Cracking the SAT, study the tips from there</p>
<p>Practice the tests from 10 Real's</p>
<p>Go over your answers and use <a href="http://www.studyhall.com%5B/url%5D">www.studyhall.com</a> for explanations to 10 Reals</p>
<p>Do you have specifice weaknesses? Focus on those</p>
<p>Vocabulary in a month eh?
I don't think vocabulary in a month will help much.
If you take the new SAT later, then you can read books and look up words you don't know. Study roots, prefixes, suffixes more than vocab.
If you study vocab, find a way to do it with context, so you know how it is used.
Look up the second and third meanings of words too because those are usually the ones used on the test.</p>
<p>I'd just say practice all 10 Real Tests, look at the relationships that ETS uses.
Analyze and Analyze it.</p>
<p>As Xiggi would say, why spend tons of hours studying vocab when you aren't sure which ones will be on there, spending tons of hours to study the test will increase your score a lot more.</p>
<p>thanks! ;)</p>
<p>Has anyone ever studied the vocab from those big SAT study books and then found many of those words on the real test? Has anyone ever used the Gruber's SAT prep book? How was it? For me, studying vocab is the hardest thing to prepping for the SAT...I don't know where to start! help! :confused:</p>
<p>Don't study vocab with limited time.
You have to build vocab up through reading over years and years.</p>
<p>Rather study 10 Reals over and over and see why choices work.</p>
<p>are there anything that someone's done to study for the SAT that really worked? what? ;)</p>
<p>Yes, I practiced out of 10 Real's.</p>
<p>I'm confident that it helped me boost my score up by over 100 pts. My score was a 1220 before.</p>
<p>Kaplan's SAT 1600 has some of the hardest SAT questions around, which means great practice. The actual SAT you take will seem like a breeze if you become proficient at the questions in this book.</p>
<p>10 Real SATs is also great for the practice tests, but not for the "strategies" it provides.</p>
<p>Perhaps Vocabulary Cartoons would be beneficial to you during your small time frame before the test.</p>
<p>Good luck!
(I'll be taking the SAT on Jan. 22, 2004, too, btw.)</p>
<p>thanx michael_pham! and to darqblue: totally--no way! good luck 2 u 2! and I think you're right--the 10 Real's book has great practice but ok strategies... any other january 22er's? :)</p>
<p>UP YOUR SCORE! it has 600 popular vocab words for the sat...but its also quite amusing to read some of the sentences and paragraphs made with those words</p>
<p>Yes, Up Your Score (any edition) is great. Buuuuut, the comedy makes be want to study from a good 'ol serious book sometimes.</p>
<p>Use grammatix.com, if only for those free strategy guides.</p>