<p>Hey guys, so I took my SAT in March and got dismal scores:</p>
<p>680 680 760</p>
<p>But I took it in October again:</p>
<p>800 670 750</p>
<p>So my CR + M composite would be 1480 considering the highest scores, but that disparity between my linguistic and mathematical capabilities is what's bothering me. I know it's hard to tell, but what do you think Yale will think? My application has lots of honors pertaining to writing so will they take that into account and just accept that I'm an English buff?</p>
<p>Most colleges now, including Yale look at your CR scores more than your Writing scores. You might want to consider getting all of them up for consistency?</p>
<p>I’ve got very similar scores to you (670 Math, 800 CR) and I was wondering if I got a 790 on the SAT Math II Subject Test, would that make up for the dismal math score I got on the math section of the regular SAT?</p>
<p>My DD is applying and in the same boat: 800r, 680m on her Oct 5 SAT’s and a prospective poli-sci/history student. We’re hoping Ad Com will take that into account and focus on her reading score. SAT II’s were 790 Eng Lang., 750 US Hist, 730 Bio. For what it’s worth, I read on another CC thread that the math curve on the Oct 5 '13 test was really steep, with 1 wrong putting you at 770, 2 wrong at 730 or 740, etc. So a 680 is probably only a few wrong answers. Nothing to be ashamed of.</p>
<p>you can always retake. I balanced mine on my third try: I had a 770 math (ugh, one wrong on all 3 times I took it
) and 680 CR, so I studied and brought my reading to 760. You can always study a bit and retake in December.</p>