<p>All right, so I took the October SAT and got a 2130 with a 12 on the essay. I've heard that WUSTL does not look at the writing score (?), which is my strongest score. </p>
<p>I'm asking for a suggestion, should I take the December SAT I or take a few SAT IIs? I know that WUSTL does not REQUIRE SAT IIs, but do you know if they like or really want to see them? Which would they rather see, a stronger SAT score or some SAT IIs? Thanks in advance (for I know you will reply)! haha.</p>
<p>I would probably be more concerned with getting a 1500+ on M and CR versus SAT II scores… while SAT II tests are good, an excellent SAT I score is much better, IMO</p>
<p>yeah, some schools really don’t care at all about writing… they still go by the old 1600 scale (minus analogies and plus sentence completions on CR, of course)</p>
<p>I know, it’s annoying because it’s like, either don’t make us take it or please do consider it. Whatever though; I still loved WashU so I’m not going to hate on them!</p>
<p>they’ve got to consider it to some extent right?
i mean if a kid gets an 800 on writing they can’t just say it means nothing cause obviously it DOES mean something.</p>
<p>Exactly, I’m just saying that some don’t consider it as much as the CR & M. However, as you said, they are not going to overlook a high score on it and, yes, it obviously does not hurt to have a high score.</p>
<p>Many colleges did not consider the writing score when the “new” SAT first came out because there were no data on it. I don’t know about WUSTL specifically, but many do consider it now, since by now there’s more data on it.</p>
<p>For the OP - maybe you should try ACT instead of retaking SAT or taking SAT IIs.</p>