<p>Basically my question is whether I should re-take the SAT in Jan. for a 4th time. My situation is probably a bit special here--first, I was stupid enough to put on my Common App that I was retaking the Jan. SAT. So I don't know if the colleges will think I just did real bad on the Jan SAT if I don't end up submitting a score to them, or if they'll ignore it. </p>
<p>I have a 2210 SAT superscore from earlier exams. The reason why I took so many times was because I just came to the US in my 10th grade and had NO idea what the SAT was--I thought it was something that high school students take yearly or something...I don't know what I was thinking. But anyway I ended up not taking the SAT seriously until the 2nd/3rd time. I had a horrible score the first time because I didn't know what it meant and didn't study and my English was really bad at the time anyways. I know this wasn't supposed to happen...but it happened. The problem is that even though I had a 800 in Math, I only had a 650 CR (highest) and I'm an international student. I am pretty sure I can improve this CR score there. I have registered for the Jan. SAT but then saw so many posts that are like "don't take the SAT 4 times whatsoever" so I became hesitant. Should I cancel the testing? Should I take it? Thanks!</p>
<p>P.S. I also thought about taking the SAT and then asking my counselor to send a note about me being confused regarding what the SAT was in 10th grade, but then others seem not to suggest a note about SAT whatsoever, so I don't know...Again, thanks for helping me!</p>
<p>The 10th grade one could actually work more for you than against you. It shows you heavily improved, if anything.</p>
<p>And yes, it’s been traditionally said that you shouldn’t take the SAT more than 3x, but that’s generally only if you’re not improving. If you’re sure you’re gonna improve (as it is implied you improved a lot more from your 1st to 2nd testing), go ahead and take the SAT the fourth time. I’m sure many people have done this and, because of the “you can’t take it more than 3x” thing going around, haven’t been vocal about it.</p>
<p>Good luck on the SAT’s though. I thought Jan SATs were early January, but I guess I was wrong lol.</p>
<p>The application probably also has a section for anything else you think needs explaining - I’m fairly sure it did four years ago, at any rate. You could also mention it to your guidance counselor - if her rec said that you took your SAT for the first time before you had mastered the English language fully but that you had since improved, as attested by your scores, I don’t think they would look twice at the early numbers.</p>
<p>You might also want to take the TOEFL, just so that there won’t be any questions about your language skills affecting your ability to succeed on the college level.</p>
<p>Thanks! That really made me feel MUCH better!
ICargirl, unfortunately I’ve already submitted all my Apps, and I’m sure all my counselor’s recs are out. Do you all think I should bother asking my counselor to send an extra note afterwards to the schools? Or would that draw attention to my low scores instead (as many say)?
Again thanks!</p>
<p>Oh - sorry, I skimmed your post and thought you were a junior. </p>
<p>By now, I wouldn’t worry about it. I think they’ll probably figure it out from your application. If they don’t, they may even assume that the first score was an aberration caused by a scantron error or by not realizing that there was a penalty for incorrect answers.</p>
<p>Thanks! That helped!</p>
<p>do not take the tests again, spend more time on your application essays, answers to the short questions. that is more effective</p>
<p>EnglishTeacher88: again, I’ve already submitted all my apps so the question now left for college applications is only whether or not to take the SAT. The rest are all done =P</p>