<p>Hi, I’m just about to send off my SAT scores to Brown…does Brown explicitly say that they prefer regular reports?</p>
<p>(Columbia says the admissions office prefers regular reports, but Harvard says it doesn’t mind, so I just wanted to know Brown’s specific opinion)</p>
<p>Rule of thumb; Don’t pay for rush scores. Ever. It’s a money-making scheme for collegeboard.com, and in fact most schools don’t like to get rushed scores b/c they have to process them differently (process the FAX, sign for the FedEx bundle, etc). Just send normally.</p>
<p>has anyone else been experiencing problems with the collegeboard score report service? When I applied ED to Northwestern I ordered a score report on October 31st but they never received my scores, even by mid november… i had to fax them, in the end</p>