SAT score help!

<p>I retook the SATs this october...hoping that I'd get a better score but actually didn't do that much better. I got a 2140 but I got a 2110 the first time...I'm applying EA to Yale and the admissions site says that the latest date for SATs is technically I still have a chance to increase my score, I just don't know if it will be worth it. A little more info: I have very solid grades, Extracurriculars, and very good recs and pretty good essays.</p>

<p>hmmm if u do take the nov test again, u have to submit that also. So that means u r gonna submit 3 scores. It’s a little bit of risky for yale cause yale usually wants people who can get a good score in their first sittings or at most second sittings…
but if u can have a major inprovement then do take it hehe otherwise it’s gonna look not so good. This is also why yale refuses the score choice system…</p>