<p>I heard somewhere that SAT scores are looked at a lot more than GPA if you are applying to a UK college from a school in the USA...</p>
<p>i was just wondering if this was true or not and what i would need to get on my SATs and what GPA is considered good for top UK colleges</p>
<p>colleges im looking at are:</p>
<p>University College London, Imperial College London, Kings College London... basically top colleges in london</p>
<p>Generally, yes...that's true...however, I would argue that AP/IB scores are even more important.</p>
<p>so if i were to lets say take AP Calc AB/BC , AP Stat, AP US, AP ES, AP Bio and got 4 or 5 on all of those AP tests and got like a 2050 SAT (780, 670, 600) and 1450 CR + Math score what colleges could i be looking at?</p>
<p>Could i go to a college in the UK then come back to the USA for med school</p>
<p>Based on that alone I'd say you would have a pretty good shot at all 3 of the schools listed...although you may want to apply to a lesser Univ. of London college just in case. The other thing to keep in mind is financial aid. They're not likely to throw it at you so you may want to start looking at outside scholarships that you can apply to.</p>
<p>Hmm, "not likely to throw it at you" sounds really optimistic. AFAIK UK schools give like no FA (their endowments are pretty low as well). That said, I would agree the assessment of GPA as unimportant is pretty spot-on. Admission in UK is based on A levels - nationwide exams - so I doubt they'd care about GPA. Other than that, I'd advise you to contact the school directly (sorry I'm not very helpful)</p>
<p>What are the tuitions at those colleges?</p>
Foreign</a> students charged hugely inflated tuition fees, survey reveals | Students | EducationGuardian.co.uk
The Royal Veterinary College, Imperial College London and Oxford University charge international students more than £17,000 a year for undergraduate courses.
That's 33000USD. Plus living expenses, which ain't cheap - An Imperial College site estimated it to be 12,000 pounds = 24, 000 USD.</p>
<p>This link might be useful: International</a> student fee tables 2007: undergraduate | Students | EducationGuardian.co.uk</p>
<p>Cost depends largely on what course of study you undertake. Sciences will be much more expensive than the humanities...med school, vet school, etc. will be even more expensive than those aforementioned. And my statement regarding British financial aid was not meant to sound optimistic. Fiona is correct in saying that you aren't likely to receive much, if any financial help.</p>
<p>alright.. if i were to go into Biology or something else Pre-Med related would i be able to apply to med schools in the USA after going to and undergrad college in the UK?</p>
<p>I don't see why not as long as you took all of the required courses...but that could be a problem since many UK undergrad programs don't allow students to take courses that aren't part of their degree.</p>