SAT scores good enough for Berkeley EECS?

<p>Ok, so I'm currently a senior about to apply to UC Berkeley. I have a SAT I score of 2140, with the breakdown: 700 CR, 720 W, 720 M. I was wondering if this is at least a decent score for Berkeley EECS, because I don't have time to retake it. Also, I have an SAT Subject Test score of 780/800 for Math 2, and 720/800 for Physics (going to retake this in November.) So are my scores sufficient enough for me to have a decent chance at being admitted, especially the SAT I score? I know that they do consider other factors when they decide, but I want to know whether it is at least an acceptable score. Thanks!</p>

<p>Yes, I would say it’s good enough, if your gpa is 4.2+ weighted.</p>

<p>i got a 2240 in december</p>

<p>I have a friend who was accepted into EECS (Class of 2014), and he had only 3.9 unweighted and 1980 SAT score (don’t know his subject test scores). I was also accepted with a 4.0 unweighted with a 32 ACT (according to the equivalency chart, that’s about a 2080-2100 SAT), and 740s on my math II, history, and bio SAT subject tests. So I think you’re definitely in the ballpark for admission assuming a high GPA and good ECs and essays. Also he was in the top 10% and I was rank 1, so that may have helped too.</p>

<p>PS: We were both Asian (Asian in the continental sense, so Indians,middle easterners, and Southeast Asians fit in there too) so I don’t think URM played an issue, if it ever does play an issue</p>

<p>i agree with chairman meow. a 2140 is a good score, but mind you most kids that get in score above 2200. also, the score isn’t everything. u basically have to have straight a’s, 4’s and 5’s on ap’s, and good sat ii’s.</p>

<p>^I got a SAT score of 2240 in December, so the score of 2140 is not the one you should consider.</p>

<p>Check out this website: [University</a> of California: StatFinder](<a href=“]University”>
You can organize the tables to reflect admission statistics for 3 areas, but idk all of your stats. Just as an example, for Cal’s 2009 admissions, people who applied to college of engineering and scored between 2100-2400 on SAT were admitted 62.5% of the time. Obviously, that is a big range, and it doesn’t take into account your GPA or EC’s, but that is going to be relatively close.</p>



<p>Asian = ORM at Berkeley in general, and especially in engineering (and it has been that way for decades)</p>

<p>^yeah that’s why I said URM didn’t play an issue, since we were Asian. If you don’t have that 2200 or over, just make sure you make up for it by having a strong GPA, good ECs, and essays. Honestly beyond that, there’s a bit of luck involved for everyone. Good luck!</p>

<p>Is anyone not reading the post I made that I got a 2240, so do NOT consider the 2140? Jeez…</p>

<p>^oh lol, woops, well then you have nothing to worry about as long as your GPA, ECs, and essays are great, involved, and sincere, respectively.</p>

<p>lol it’s all good</p>

<p>got rejected from UCLA, this sucks. not very hopeful at all about Berkeley now…</p>

<p>I was just wondering what your GPA was? Maybe it’s your GPA that was the problem. My son was accepted last year to Berkeley and UCLA for undeclared engineering. He had an SAT of 2090 but an ACT of 34. So yes, you can still get in to Berkeley. Don’t lose hope yet… Remember the UC’s are very competitive. There are many qualified applicants that get rejected. Somehow everything works out in the end. You will get into a good college and you will be happy with where you attend. Hang in there.</p>

<p>^Thanks for the encouraging words momfirst3. I honestly have no idea what my GPA is for the UCs, because I moved here from India in my junior year, so my transcript’s divided. I think my US transcript said that I have a 3.8 Cal Grant GPA… so that might be it? Also I was denied all Honors classes in junior year, so I had only 1 AP.</p>

<p>That might have been it. GPA is very important to UCLA. They also like to see a very challenging schedule. The students you are competing with to get into engineering often have many,many AP’s. I’ve heard that Berkeley is a tad more holistic than UCLA, but EECS is super competitive. There’s really no way to predict what will happen. My son had an unweighted GPA of 4.0 and a weighted GPA of 4.73 and he got the talent supplement from Berkeley. Go figure?? I’m sure you have done your best. Just see where you get accepted and then weigh your options. You don’t have to go to Cal or UCLA to be a success. Trust me. It will all work out in the end. :-)</p>

<p>EECS is seriously not THAT competitive. It’s more so than other majors/departments, but it’s not like MIT or Stanford. I love EECS, but the difficulty is overblown. The admissions rate is about 19% for undergraduates.</p>

<p>Get good stats (GPA/SAT scores) and you’ll be fine. A 3.8 weighted GPA is usually not good enough, but your situation would hopefully be evaluated in context.</p>

<p>Well I don’t know if the Cal Grant GPA is weighted or not… also I have a SAT score of 2240, so I’m hoping that slightly mitigates any negatives in my app. I’m just hoping Berkeley will understand my situation, and somehow let me in through a miracle or something…</p>

<p>Yeah, I got rejected from UCSD too, so Cal is out of the question. Consider this thread closed.</p>

<p>Don’t give up. UCSD is points driven and Cal is not. You still have a shot.</p>